Posts tagged yogi
Remaining Constant with Tabay Atkins

Tabay Atkins, California’s very own Yoga, and Reiki prodigy is on a mission! Tabay wishes to share the significance of a healthy and positivity-filled lifestyle. Yoga has changed his life in more ways than one, and those around him prove as a success story of his fundamental values. This amazing young adult has instructed Yoga to countless individuals and has accumulated almost 1000 hours of teacher training experience. Tabay serves as a role model and mentor to adults and children alike, and Jejune is here for it! If you are interested in Tabay’s humanitarian work, his journey to becoming a NIKE athlete, or his tips for healthy living, please continue reading below!

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Deep: The Art of Self-surrender

If someone hasn't told you already, meditation and yoga are cheat codes for life. Accruing internal balance and calmness from yoga will make your day-to-day peaceful and whole. Don't know where to start? Start with Deep! Based in Virginia and Washington D.C, Deep, AKA DeepElevation LLC, will take you to new heights. Deep is a Yogi, life coach, and author ready to guide the masses to tranquility. His Punjabi ancestry further helps him achieve spirituality on a deeper level, and he is prepared to share his gifts with the world. Deep is well versed in Ashtanga Vinyasa and Yoga Nidra, and his talents have opened him up to teaching in prisons and war zones. Not only is he the go-to guy for learning self harmony, but he is also a published author! His recently released book innocence, which is a collection of stories and poems that delves into vulnerability and embraces the concept of shedding social norms and influence. 50% of this book's profits go to the Khalsa Aid & Islamic Relief, which is providing necessities for those affected by poverty. Jejune is delighted to talk to the wise Deep about his insights on the world. This interview covers his incredible pro-Bono work, his book innocence, and how to self-surrender at will. Please continue reading below!

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Explore Consciously Through The Eyes of Bianca and Michael Alexander

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. When an Emmy award-winning TV journalist crossed paths with a holistic health entrepreneur, a grand adventure happen bringing this duo on a lifelong journey of discovering mindful living. This duo is none other than Bianca and Michael Alexander. The husband and wife duo is admirable as they are harnessing their power of storytelling to help create a more just and sustainable world. Bringing their own uniqueness together, the pair teamed up to produce a lifestyle TV series known as Conscious Living. The lifestyle series travels the globe on a hunt for what it takes to be a more mindful human, documenting inspiring stories across 18+ countries from a Zen hot spring retreat in California to an Ayurvedic yoga detox in the Himalayas. The travelers of the world continue to share their incredible journey, bringing viewers to discover eco-friendly hotels, sustainable fashion, delicious vegan eats, and conscious traveling tips from Singapore to Berlin to the southside of Chicago in the latest season that just started airing in June on PBS. Come dive into our interview below to learn more about Conscious Living and uncover the practice of mindfulness living through the eyes of this power couple.

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