Revolutionary Beauty and Healing From the Inside Out With Julia Loggins
Photo by Sean McCue
Julia Loggins is an author and certified colon hydro-therapist with a specialty in regenerative nutrition, and fertility health. Her newest book ‘Revolutionary Beauty’ recently came out and shares her story with debilitating health issues and her 7 step plan for healing from the inside out. Throughout the new book she collaborated closely with Patricia Bragg, founder of the first and largest natural foods products company in America. Through this book, the pair want women to know that they can reclaim energy, joy and optimism, and live a joyful, pain-free life. In her interview with Jejune, Julia breaks down their 7 step plan further and offers her expertise on a healthy and fulfilling diet. Additionally, she opens up about her support for KPFK Radio in LA and WBAI in NYC. She has donated hours of consulting and classes to promote gut health and wellness and has plans to do so in 2022! Read on in our interview with Julia Loggins to learn more.
Where are you based?
Santa Barbara, California — we call it “paradise!”
You have had a long health journey with some debilitating health issues. When did your journey into holistic medicine begin?
I spent most of my childhood and teens hospitalized with life-threatening asthma and autoimmune disease, as well as severe environmental allergies. Doctors told my parents I would not live beyond 17! In my late teens, I met a medical doctor who had been mentored by health pioneer Paul Bragg. His “prescription” was a diet of fresh, organic foods, free of sugar, wheat, dairy and all preservatives. He also told me that I must stop taking ALL medications in order to save my life. That was the beginning of my journey to wellness, and launched my passion for natural health protocols. My studies led me to Hippocrates Health Institute, where I became a Certified Health Educator. Next came training and certification in colon hydrotherapy, which led to my 40-year private practice, specializing in detoxification and regeneration. If I can heal, anyone can!
Your new book Revolutionary Beauty recently came out and shares more of your story and 7 step plan for healing from the inside out. What is the synopsis of your 7 step plan?
We call it the CARE Plan, “Create Ageless Renewable Energy.” The seven steps are designed to heal and renew the mind, body and spirit! They are: 1) Mindset: Healing the Brain and Tools to Release Stress and Trauma. 2) Purification: Detoxifying The Body. 3) Liquid Nutrition and Intermittent Fasting 4) The CARE Fueling Station and Food Combining 5) Movement and Flexibility 6) Hormones, Sensuality & Pleasure 7) Skincare: Simplicity Redefined, A 5-Minute Plan to Renew Your Skin.
Photo by Sean McCue
On top of being an author, you are also a certified colon hydro-therapist with a specialty in regenerative nutrition, and fertility health. Are you still in practice?
Yes!! I learn so much from my clients. I love my work, and will never retire!
You have written three other books, “The Unimaginable Life,” “Dare to Detoxify!” and “It Takes Guts To Be Happy, A 21 Day Plan to Heal Your Belly & Recharge Your Life.” What was different about the creation of this book?
Our goal for “Revolutionary Beauty” was to change the culture of beauty in America, by giving women simple tools to inspire renewal and radiance from the inside out. Ageless Skin Begins Within! Everyone wants and deserves to not only feel their best, but look their best, at any age. As Patricia says, “Age is a number and mine is unlisted.” I just celebrated my 67th birthday and have never felt better, or had more energy. This is what Patricia and I want everyone to experience — and they can.
Throughout the new book you collaborate closely with Patricia Bragg, founder of the first and largest natural foods products company in America. How did you both become connected? What have you learned from Patricia Bragg?
Paul and Patricia Bragg are two of my heroes, icons of the natural health and healing movement. Patricia and I met at a health fair in 2016, but did not actually partner until 2020. She is one of a kind, a fierce and fearless crusader for the well-being of people, animals and this exquisite planet that we inhabit. What I have learned from her is, never quit, no matter what — and speak the truth, whether or not it’s popular. She has always been ahead of her time!
Photo by Sean McCue
What results do you hope women achieve from reading this book?
No matter how a woman feels today — even she cannot get through the day without coffee and donuts — I want her to know that she can reclaim energy, joy and optimism, and live a joyful, pain-free life. With the 7 steps we teach, it’s truly possible, as well as as practical, and doesn’t cost a fortune! Toxicity and stress cause disease and age the body and skin, and that can be reversed. Growing older is normal, but FEELING old is not!!
Dieting culture has received a negative stigma. How does the book 7 step plan introduce a new mindset?
Patricia has never dieted a day in her life; she doesn’t believe in it. Neither do I! We do introduce a new way to consistently embrace healthy habits WITHOUT feeling deprived, or white-knuckling it. Willpower has nothing to do with sustaining a healthy lifestyle. The keys to success are detoxification and self-love, which comes from prioritizing our own health and happiness.
What is your definition of a sustainable lifestyle?
To me, a sustainable lifestyle is one is filled with joy, creativity, passion and purpose. When we are moving toward what lights us up inside, we dig deep and discover untapped resources that propel change and transformation!
Photo by Sean McCue
We would love to dive into some of your 7 step plan. Mindset: Healing the Brain & Tools to Release Stress & Trauma, is very general. Could you dive into this a little bit for us?
Releasing stress and trauma is the first step to regenerating the body. The greatest obstacle to healing are our belief systems, and the traumatic experiences we’ve survived that keep us from living in the present moment. “Trauma” can be anything from a violent event to a car accident, illness, or the loss of a loved one, a relationship, or a dream. Sustained stress is experienced as trauma. We offer uncomplicated, fast-working tools to help the brain heal and release these old wounds. Now, we become our own best advocate. We’re finally in the driver’s seat, no longer at the mercy of past situations. This is where healing begins!
Purification: Detoxifying The Body – is this mostly focused on diet? What would be your first step for someone here?
“Purification” is focused on protocols that allow the body to release toxins, such as lymphatic drainage therapy and colon cleansing. These rituals are the secret to ageless health and beauty! The first step is the awareness that our bodies were not designed to eliminate the chemicals and pesticides which conventional foods contain, and which we encounter in our modern environment. Our bodies need support to release them. These toxins not only wrinkle our skin, but cause depression and anxiety. The cleansing protocols we teach have been practiced for thousands of years. Safe, effective and easy to learn, they turn back the clock, and lift the spirit.
What are your overall thoughts on fasting?
Patricia has fasted for 24 hours once week for 60 years! I also fast weekly, and practice intermittent fasting, which means not eating solid food after dinner, until lunch the next day. During a fast, we enjoy green vegetable juices, veggie and bone broths and sometimes, a protein smoothie, if we’re having a busy day. Digestion takes more energy than running a 5K. Allowing our digestive system to rest jumpstarts cell renewal and turns back the clock.
Photo by Sean McCue
A healthy diet is the answer to so many problems. Do you have a particular diet you follow/suggest?
We advocate a diet of whole, fresh foods, and buying organic, whenever possible. We also encourage reducing or eliminating sugar, wheat and dairy products, as well as processed foods and fast foods. When we practice cleansing protocols, and eat fresh, clean food, our bodies lose that puffiness, that tire around the middle. We find ourselves at the perfect weight without effort or stress. Age has nothing to do with having a flat tummy! They key is healthy food and healthy digestion.
We love that you promote movement and flexibility. Are there any programs you are particularly fond of?
We promote ANY program that gets our audience off the coach! We are big fans of walking, as anyone can do it. Patricia has been an athlete her entire life, and played tennis well into her 70’s. In “Revolutionary Beauty, “ we are excited to feature three fitness experts. One is Cheri Clampett, who created “Therapeutic Yoga,” a program of gentle breath work and yoga for anyone who is recovering from, or living with, illness or injury. The second is Josette Tkacik, who healed herself from rheumatoid arthritis naturally, and is America’s foremost Zumba dance teacher. Her journey is so inspiring. We also interview the extraordinary Elaine LaLanne, the widow of Jack LaLanne, one of television’s first live, on-air hosts. Elaine is 95, and still does push-ups every day!
Hormones, Sensuality & Pleasure (At Any Age), big fan! Can you elaborate a bit on the importance of this?
Hormone balance is critical to vitality and mood at any age, but particularly over 50. How does one know if their hormones are out-of-balance? We offer a list of symptoms to pin-point what may need attention, so that a woman may seek professional support through a medical or functional medicine doctor, naturopath, or herbalist. We also interviewed hormone specialist and renowned medical oncologist Dr. Leigh Connealy for her views on the safest protocols. When hormones are balanced, and the body is cleansed, bloat, burnout and brain fog disappears! We also advocate women focusing on pleasure, a subject that many of us relegate to the bottom of our to-do list. Pleasure is what makes us feel alive, sensuous and passionate, at any age. We share an exercise that, in 90 seconds, teaches us how to relax and allow ourselves to receive. Receptivity unlocks the door to pleasure!
Photo by Sean McCue
Good skin care is imperative, especially as we age. What is your biggest tip to keeping a youthful glow?
Our Revolutionary Beauty 5-Minute A Day Skin Plan stimulates collagen, which creates that glow we equate to youth. My biggest tip for fabulous skin is hydration with electrolytes, to alkalize the body. Dry skin does not plump up with fancy creams — we need water! To cover the bases on skincare protocols, we interviewed world renowned dermatologist Dr. Julia Hunter, who answers questions such as, “Is Botox safe?” and “Which peels work?” As an advocate of purification protocols, Dr. Hunter says, “I can’t inject radiance into someone’s face! They have to do it themselves, from the inside, through their diet and cleansing practices.”
When speaking to a new client with health problems, what would be the first change you would suggest to them? What do you do when they are resistant to change?
Each of us is resistant to change; it’s human nature. However, the program I use — which follows the 7 steps of “Revolutionary Beauty” — creates wins almost immediately. The first thing I tell my clients is that they CAN heal. My friend, surgeon Dr. Dave Comes says, “We cannot always cure, but we can always heal.” To heal is to live a high-quality life, and my goal is to give my clients simple tools to reach that goal. We start, first by addressing stress levels and initiate a detox program. Colon cleansing is at the top of that list.
Although colon cleansing is unfamiliar to most people, once clients discover the benefits, it becomes a foundational ritual. Many feel euphoric after their first colonic! After all, serotonin, the neurotransmitter that stimulates happiness and joy, is made in our gut, not our brain.
In the past you have supported KPFK Radio in LA and WBAI in NYC by donating hours of consulting and classes to promote gut health and wellness. Why was this important to you? Do you have plans to do more of this?
YES! Christine Blosdale and I just taped a brand-new show for KPFK and WBAI, which will air this spring; we are so excited! We will be offering $2,000 worth of my products and services for a fraction of that cost. Listen for the “Ageless Beauty Pack,” as these will go fast! I am especially thrilled about this package, as — besides a personal one-on-one consolation with me — this will include a golden ticket to the “Revolutionary Beauty Makeover,” an online course that also meets live weekly, via Zoom, so I’m there to offer personal guidance and community support. Plus, we added six of my Cleansing For Energy products to this package! I am completely dedicated to these fund drives. It is critical to keep radio stations on the air that DO NOT rely on corporate or commercial advertising. They are the voice of freedom.
Photo by Sean McCue
What is your personal self care tip?
I drink eight ounces of wheatgrass juice daily, practice weekly fasting and regular colon hydrotherapy! My diet consists of organic vegetables and clean proteins. I discovered a long time ago that I do not digest grains.
How are you staying positive during the current wave of the pandemic? Did you make any changes to your process during the pandemic?
Yes, I made changes! I poured myself into create outlets: I wrote “Revolutionary Beauty.” Josette’s Zumba had always been my “happy place,” but during the pandemic, I danced solo in my office to her online classes. And recently, I have taken up horseback riding again. I grew up on a horse — my Palomino saved my soul when I was a sickly kid — and raised my kids on horses. Yet, I had gotten too busy with work to ride. Now, I am back, and I’ll never quit! (But I do ride tamer, calmer horses than I used to!)
What does your new normal look like?
I am busier than I’ve ever been, so that is my new normal. My husband would love to whisk me away to Hawaii to retire. However, my mission of health and happiness for all — and Patricia’s mission — is my passion. I am where I belong…mostly, in my clinic!
What is your motto in life?
My motto is the quote from Mary Oliver’s poem: “Tell me what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” My answer is to awaken with gratitude, blessed to be alive and available to witness life’s “ordinary miracles.” At 67, I celebrate beating a prognosis of early death at 17 by 50 years. There are no wasted days.
To see more from Julia Loggins and Patricia Bragg and to order their newest book, please see the links below: and
Instagram: @julialoggins and @patriciabragg
Twitter: @julialoggins and @patriciabragg
Facebook: Patricia Bragg and Julia Loggins
Tiktok: @julialoggins1