Posts tagged kids health
Kara Eastman - Redefining Midwestern Nice

Kara Eastman (she/her) is a woman of many passions, but aside from punk rock nearly all of them involve making lives better for people who unduly suffer under the effects of untamed late-stage capitalism, the for-profit health industry, the lack or disregard of environmental regulations, or media centralized in the hands of the ultra-wealthy. After a career of activism, she shows no signs of slowing down! Read on to learn more about the work of the indefatigable Kara Eastman!

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The Unique McLeod Family

The McLeod Family is one unique family full of love! Mom, Eeka, always dreamed of adopting and now she has three one of a kind kids: Eli, Evan, and Ella! Can we just talk about how cute it is that everyone in this family has an E name?? Eli has Cerebral Palsy and Evan and Ella are on the Autism Spectrum. Evan is extra fabulous as he is already so self-aware that he knows he is non-binary and loves wearing dresses. To learn more about this adorable family, please read our exclusive interview below.

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The Effects of TV on the Health of the Next Generation

No-Face’s feast from Spirited Away, the grey stuff from Beauty and the Beast, and an instant Mcdonald’s microwave from Spy Kids are all things we dreamed about at some point of our childhood. Movie after movie, we saw characters stuff their faces with feasts we could only pester our mom for on our weekly grocery shop. Whilst seemingly harmless, the effects of such representations can have a bigger impact on the well-being of the next generation than we would expect.

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