COVER: Daniella Monet Helps The World Be Cruelty-Free
Team Credits:
Photographer: Maries Photography LA
Stylist: Quentin Fears
Make-up: Amy Chance at Celestine Agency
Hair: Michael Kanyon at Celestine Agency
In a time when the world can seem so cruel, Daniella Monet is bringing in life in more ways than one! This talented actress and singer isn’t letting motherhood slow her down when it comes to helping save the planet and animals. As a passionate vegan and animal rights activist since the age of five, she is not only a huge voice for the movement, but she will help you get there with her three vegan business ventures! To learn more, please read Jejune’s exclusive interview below.
Where are you based?
Los Angeles, California
What got you interested in acting?
I was an outgoing kid and loved performing for family and friends whenever I could. My mom caught on, and slowly introduced me to auditioning. Something about entertaining people always made me happy.
You have been vegan for 17 years! Amazing! What made you decide to go vegan?
I was about five years old when I visited a dude ranch and saw my first (and last) rodeo. It was quite dramatic, and I remember asking why they were hurting the cows, and my dad explained to me that these were livestock cows and what that meant. From that point on, I never ate an animal. My parents were mostly supportive and since then have only grown more committed to animal activism.
With this new environmental push, do you think more people will be making the change to be vegan?
I hope so. There’s been so much progress made in vegan business. Cruelty-free food options are becoming more and more readily available, which helps make the lifestyle that much more accessible.
Do you think being vegan is the best thing individuals can do to help the environment? Please elaborate.
In my opinion, it’s one of the easiest ways to make the biggest impact and decrease your carbon footprint drastically, not to mention save a tremendous amount of animals whilst also improving your all around health and wellness. It’s a no brainer.
Ok, you are part of not one, but three, amazing vegan companies. I want to talk about all of them, but let’s start with Kinder Beauty Box. Can you please tell us about why you and Evanna Lynch started Kinder Beauty Box?
We both care a lot about our hair, skin, and all- around beauty regime, but struggled to find quality products that were not only cruelty-free but also vegan. Kinder Beauty was born to help solve that confusion for not only ourselves but worldwide. Growing the Kinder Beauty community has been a labor of SO MUCH LOVE. An immense amount of time and energy goes into curating our boxes, and we couldn’t be more proud of them.
How do you decide what goes in each month?
We try to round out our boxes based on what was featured in the prior or future months whilst also keeping in mind what may be needed seasonally. It’s important that we include a variety of our favorite ethical products, so nothing makes it into a box that we both haven’t tried and approved.
What can someone expect to get in a box?
Everything from shampoo and conditioner, to bronzer and nail wraps. We’re always listening to our subscribers and trying to include the products they’re seeking.
Do you have a favorite vegan beauty brand?
I thought I did, but since launching Kinder Beauty, I’ve grown to love all of our partners!
Do you choose a different cause/organization to support each month?
Yes, we do. We choose animal rights and environmental causes that we love and support. If there’s a current disaster relief we can donate to, we do.
Can you tell us a little bit about Outstanding Foods and your Pig Out Chips?
Outstanding Foods is a Plant-based food company that I invested in. Our very first product launched were our Pig Out Chips which are Plant-based bacon flavored chips.
As of now, we’re gearing up to launch Plant-based Pork Rinds that are absolutely delicious and loaded with protein. In Just one year, Outstanding Foods is selling in over 1000 stores nationwide and expanding quickly. So proud of our Chef Dave Anderson and CEO Bill Glaser for helping bring something epic to the market!
Can you tell us about Sugar Taco?
Sugar Taco is a vegan taqueria focused on making a real difference in the world. We believe that good food and good ethics can go hand-in-hand! Our motto is, “Saving The World One Taco At A Time”, and we understand that in order to educate others, we must first become the change.
Jejune loves that Sugar Taco gives back to so many different communities. Can you tell us a little bit about 8 Billion Trees and Food For Life Global?
8 Billion Trees focuses on fighting deforestation by planting and conserving trees around the world, and Food For Life Global provides organizational and operating support to Food for Life’s vegan hunger relief programs.
Where are these trees being planted and these children being fed?
8 Billion Trees partners with various groups worldwide to be able to provide resources to fight deforestation globally and help save our ecosystem.
The premier Food for Life project is based in Mumbai, India with branches in most major cities. Food For Life also provides food relief globally for natural and manmade disasters.
Can you tell us a little bit about the Dog Menu at Sugar Taco?
Our Dog Menu changes monthly and proceeds go to a different companion animal organization.
Jejune loves that all the packaging used is biodegradable or compostable! Can you tell us why this is so important to you?
We care about making a real difference environmentally, and setting an example and new standard for the fast casual food industry.
We know Sugar Taco just opened up in LA, but we love it, and want it in NYC! Any thoughts of expanding in the future?
ABSOLUTELY. We plan to expand strategically. We care a lot about the details and will eventually grow in a sustainable way.
Ok, we need to talk about the fact that you just had your son, Gio! First, congratulations! Can you talk a little bit about being vegan while being pregnant?
Being vegan whilst pregnant was easy peezy and helped in more ways than one. I never suffered with body aches, swelling, or lack of energy. I’d like to think that the nutrient rich Plant-based diet not only kept me healthy and active, but also Gio. He was born 8 lbs 3 ounces with a full head of hair, beautiful strong fingernails, and a super strong neck.
What was your weirdest craving?
I had two cravings in my first trimester that stand out - pickled vegetables and frozen yogurt which I got once! Other than that, nothing too unique, but I never deprived myself of anything. I’m a foodie by nature, so cravings are kind of an everyday thing for me!
We shot you while you were eight months pregnant, but yet you were amazingly energetic! Do you think your vegan diet had something to do with that?
I do! I’m generally very energetic, and pregnancy didn’t seem to slow me down-- in fact I felt so much life and excitement around being pregnant. Now that I’m a mom getting far less sleep than usual, my energy is more valuable than ever.
What advice would you give to someone thinking about going vegan?
Do it. Give it a try. There’s too many good reasons to do so.
What is your motto in life?
Well, my first tattoo I ever got was the phrase “ You Only Live Once” translated in Italian (Si Vive Uno Volta Sola)
To learn more about Daniella Monet, and her many projects, please follow her via the links below:
Instagram: daniellamonet
YouTube: daniellamonet
Team Credits:
Photographer: Maries Photography LA
Stylist: Quentin Fears
Make-up: Amy Chance at Celestine Agency
Hair: Michael Kanyon at Celestine Agency
Let’s be real, all of us have mentally aged ten years throughout the past year and a half. With all the stress of the ongoing pandemic and the holidays on the horizon, Jejune understands that you need a skincare regime that is just as active as you are. That is why we have compiled a list of skincare brands with products meant to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Though this list is tailored towards anti-aging skincare products, in most of the brands listed below you can shop through a variety of products for various skin types and concerns. Most importantly, each brand included in this list is vegan and cruelty-free. We have also included how some of these skincare brands are giving back to their communities and initiatives they are particularly passionate about. Check out Jejune’s full list of vegan skincare brands below!