You Are Not Alone: Noelle Chiodo's Message of Strength and Bravery
Photography by Eric Ita
A voice for the hurt and a song for the broken-hearted; Noelle Chiodo graces Jejune, in part due to her tremendous strides towards positive social reform and her exceptional musical prowess. Her ballads, a unique juxtaposition of soulful melancholy and upbeat pop create an amalgamation of emotional ebbs and flows. It is this inimitably authentic and intangible force that helps make up Noelle’s powerful identity. Singer-songwriter, domestic violence activist, Noelle does it all - seemingly a one woman army. However, she wants you all to know that you are not alone.
Where are you based?
I am based between Los Angeles and Las Vegas.
How did you get interested in music?
It all started when my mom put me in a singing group when I was about eight years old because I was really shy. When I landed my first solo, I fell in love with the feeling of being on stage, and then just began immersing myself in music: taking musical theatre classes, singing in church, auditioning for anything and everything, joining choirs, learning piano and music theory, singing for any talent shows and festivals that would let me, etc.
Can you tell us a little bit about your new song Deep End?
For me, I wrote this song a few months after a breakup. When your heart is broken, at the moment, you feel like it's the end of the world and you can actually PHYSICALLY feel the pain in your chest, at least I could. But after about three months, I looked back on the relationship and just thought to myself 'Wow. After all of that I'm actually going to be okay'. Universally though, I think that "Deep End" is about coming out of the deep end, whatever hard ship that may be, stronger than before and overcoming your battles. The deep end can be anything from loss of love to failure. We've all been there before, but how we rise out of those moments is what defines us as human beings.
Jejune loves your song Your Love’s Got Me Blinded. Can you please tell us what inspired you to write this?
I was inspired to write Your Love's Got Me Blinded towards the end of a relationship I felt was going downhill. It started out amazing , but towards the end I noticed that I couldn't think clearly and I knew it was over, I just didn't know how to end it. Also, the way I was being treated towards the end was terrible, but this guy had me so confused. When I released the song, I noticed that I was getting responses and messages from a lot of people that had experience with domestic violence and shared with me that Your Love's Got Me Blinded resonated with them. That's what inspired me to then dedicate the music video to domestic violence.
It is very powerful that you worked with The National Domestic Violence Hotline and The Shade Tree LV, a local domestic violence shelter. How was it working with these women (and a man) in your video?
Amazing. These survivors truly are the embodiment of strength and bravery. They were so kind and I am so grateful that they were willing to share their stories with me and my audience to help spread awareness and make a change. These women (and a man) MADE the music video what it is and gave the message its power.
Was there a particular sign one of them held up that really touched you?
All of the signs and statements were so moving, but I'd have to say that my favorite was "You are NOT alone." It's so short and simple, but holds so much truth.
What was their response to Your Love’s Got Me Blinded and the final video?
Everyone was as proud of the project as I was. Something that personally was a statement to me is I gave everyone the option to have their face blurred in the video to stay anonymous, but not a single one of the women chose to have their face blurred and wanted their faces seen. That was so powerful to me.
Do you feel that domestic violence is an issue that doesn’t get enough attention? If so, how would you like to see this change?
Yes, I believe that domestic violence is an issue that often gets swept under the rug because it's a topic that not many people know about. Well, it's time to start talking about it. There are warning signs, there are ways to get help. It's time we started educating people on this. I have personally never been in a domestically violent relationship, but I would still like to be a voice for it.
What advice do you have for someone going through domestic violence?
You are NOT alone and if you need help, it's okay to ask for help.
What is your motto in life?
The world is going to judge you no matter what you do, so live your life the way you want to.
Please list any websites and social media you would like Jejune to promote:
Your Love's Got Me Blinded Music Video:
Apple Music:
Mailing List:
Fan Email:
Instagram: noellechiodo
Youtube: Noelle Chiodo
Twitter: noellechiodo_
Facebook: noelle.chiodo
If you or someone you know is in emotional distress and a victim of domestic violence, check out thee resources bellow.
The National Domestic Violence Hotline:
The Shade Tree LV:
Photography by Eric Ita