Mourn, Feel, and Get Ready
What is done is done. I, like many others, don’t understand how this happened. I know we are tired, completely exhausted! We can, and should, mourn. We can, and should, be angry. But we will not roll over dead, we will use this anger, and we will come back stronger and more focused. We can have our own Project 202X. We can have our own plan. We are smart. And as women, we should take from this that no one, and I really mean men, will never come to our rescue. We are on our own, we can no longer fight among ourselves. We need to be a F*CKING PINK WAVE of Fury.
As we lick our wounds, here is a list of organizations I and Jejune recommend to start getting involved in. It should be noted that over the years Jejune has put together an amazing list of nonprofits that we highly recommend you check out here. But right now, these categories seem the most pressing:
Women’s Rights:
National Network of Abortion Funds
The Cupcake Girls - Supports sex workers
National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health
Some clinics:
Full Circle Health Center
Feminist Women's Health Center
Gay Rights:
The Environment:
This is far from over.