Meredith Bull Can Make Anything Go Viral!

You’ve heard the idiom “the cat’s meow” but did you know it could make you go viral? That’s the charm of Meredith Bull! Inspired by the mundane sounds around her, Meredith uses her musical talents to create memorable and even viral sounds for TikTok. Have you heard the relatable “meowing cat” sound? Or maybe the popular “Hank Green Explaining Candle Wax” sound? That’s Meredith at work! Aside from creating content for TikTok, Meredith is also a musical artist and she has built her unique indie sound from her TikTok experimentation. In our interview with Meredith, we talk about her creativity and inspiration for music (spoiler alert: there are cute cats involved!). We also discuss her journey with sobriety and how being sober has changed her life for the better. She is now an advocate for sobriety, and works to help others recover from substance abuse. Please continue reading for our exclusive interview with Meredith Bull.

Where are you based?
Los Angeles.

How did you get interested in music?
I started performing in musical theatre when I was four. 

What gets you up in the morning?

How do you get your creative juices flowing?
Anything really. It’s hard to turn that part of my brain off actually.

We love your TikTok content! How did you get started?
I was procrastinating one day and out of boredom made a beat with a cat snapping a rubber band on a shoebox and the rest is history!

Some of your most popular sounds are also super mundane, like a frog in Walmart or a song from Backyardigans — it’s fantastic! What inspired you to use these sounds? How do you find them?
Thanks! I just browse TikTok, and when I find something that makes me laugh I give it a shot.

You clearly have a background in mixing music. Can you tell us a little bit about it? How do you know what sounds to match with the sounds you find?
I went to school for music production; so, I have some tools to help me be able to make my ideas into real songs, and that’s the biggest advantage. Sounds that have a clear pitch and melody are the easiest and most obvious.

Do any of the people you pull from respond to your songs? Do you have any fun stories there?
Sometimes! I always love when they do. Some have become real internet friends.

Clearly you are a cat lover, as many of your songs come from cat noises. What inspires you to write from cats?
I just feel like I understand cats. I got my first cat when I was nine, and have always had at least one if not more since. I get their body language and their emotions, at least, from a human perspective. So, it feels easy for me to translate them.

Your meowing cat TikTok video is hilarious! What was your response when it went viral?
Just gratitude that so many people were finding my silly songs!  

On TikTok you make mini songs off of unique sounds, but you have been expanding some of these TikToks into full length songs, with your latest being “I Don’t Want To Be Touched”, off of your meowing cat video. Do you feel that this song has evolved into more than you originally thought it would be? Do you think you held to the same mood as the original? The lyrics seem a bit deeper now. Are we still just talking about cats? What does this song mean to you now?
I think I want to leave that up to the listener to decide if it’s about more than cats, but full disclosure there is a real cat in the music video!

You have also done a bit of acting and voiceovers, do you think you will continue this, or are you more focused on music these days?
Yes, I’d like to! I like storytelling; so, whether it’s acting, voice acting, or singing, I find creative expression and satisfaction in all areas. 

Switching gears a little, we know that you are an advocate for sobriety and support charitable causes that help people recovering from substance abuse. Can you tell us more about why this cause is important to you?
I don’t think there are enough positive role models in music. There are a lot of worst-case scenarios of people we put on pedestals that succumb to their addiction, or we praise them for their mania and “artistry”. But there’s something to be said for wanting more control out of your mental state than just being blown around by it, if that makes sense. Getting sober was the best thing I ever did for myself. And I’m happy to be an example of a female in the music industry that has long-term recovery from alcoholism. 

We love that you are active with MusiCares. Can you tell us a bit about this organization and why you support it?
MusiCares is an amazing organization that helps people in the music industry get sober. I can’t say enough good things, shout out my girl Shireen. Xo


The past year and a half have been very taxing for those suffering from addiction. How have you and your husband coped?
Going to 12-step meetings online :), sharing with other friends in recovery, etc. Everyone is going through it. You are not alone. 

What advice would you give someone trying to go sober?
You have to stay sober long enough to GET sober. Meaning, you need enough time free from substances to get a clear perspective on where you are at in your life and relationships. If you never stick around long enough to fully grasp what is happening to you, it’s easy to think it’s not working or the problem is other things. 

What are the top five best things about living a sober life?
NO REGRETS ABOUT SOMETHING YOU DID OR SAID THE NIGHT BEFORE. Being able to show up as a better daughter, wife, sister, and friend. 

What is your motto in life?
Receive God’s love. There is so much love the universe wants to bless you with. Open your eyes and be receptive to it. You have to be in a receiving state though to notice it. This is something I’m working on. 


To learn more about Meredith Bull please follow her via the below platfroms:
Social Media: TikTok | Instagram | Twitter
Music: Youtube | Spotify | Apple Music | Amazon Music
Latest Music Video: “I Don’t Wanna Be Touched”  

Photography: Alexandra Hryshyn.