Why I Vote...
Jejune is super excited to announce that we are partnering up with Head Count to help get the word out for voter registration! Today, September 22nd, is National Voter Registration Day. This means we don’t have a lot of time to register to vote ((normally there would be about two weeks left to register in most states)). So, let’s all sign up today! If you are not signed up already, please follow the link here. If you are already signed up, get all your friends to do it!
We are also inviting you to join us in our voting registration game! Jejune got some of our favorite people involved, including our team! All you have to do is post a picture of yourself with a caption explaining why you vote on Instagram, with the following information:
“September 22nd is National Voter Registration Day! Please join me, @headcountorg and @jejunemag as we celebrate the National Voter Registration Day challenge! Please post a picture of yourself and a caption saying why you vote, tag @headcountorg and @jejunemag, add hashtags #whyivote and #whyivotechallange, and tag some of our voting friends! I want to know why you want to vote: [tag friends here]! To learn more about getting registered please visit @headcountorg or @jejunemag. Let’s get as many people registered as possible!
[Please post your reason for why you vote here]
[you can add more hashtags as you like here]”
*Please tag 5 to 10 people who you think will play along.
Now without further ado, here are some amazing reasons to vote!
Alysia Reiner, David Alan Basche, and their daughter!
We vote for the health, safety, freedom and equality of the planet and all human lives.
Even their dog supports voting!
Allison Munn
I vote because I care deeply about equal rights for women, BIPOC, and the LGBTQ community. The right to vote was hard-won and we owe it to our ancestors to make use of it.
Nikki DeLoach
I vote because women who came before me fought and gave their lives so that I could have this right. I vote in order to create a better life not only for my children but all children because as Glennon Doyle says, “there is no such thing as other people’s children.” I vote because my vote is my voice AND my power. I vote because everything that matters to me and family depends on this sacred act.
Mollee Gray
I vote because my life depends on it. I vote for my rights. I vote for my husband’s healthcare. I vote for all my friends of color. I vote for our climate. I vote for children and our future children. I vote for humanity. I vote for our democracy. I VOTE AGAINST DICTATORSHIP!
Kira Bucca - Editor in Chief of Jejune
I vote because I want a better life for all Americans. I know the United States is an amazing country of possibilities, and the world looks to us to be leaders across many issues. Like Jejune, I want the US to be on the positive side of history when it comes to these topics - healthcare, income inequality, racism, women’s rights, the ever increasing looming issue of climate change, and so much more. Together we can create a better world, and voting for someone who cares about doing this, is just the first step.
Rachel Sayles
I vote to uplift the voices of oppressed groups and to stand up for what I believe in! Voting allows me to use my voice to positively impact my community and the world around me.
Sasha Harrison
I vote because I want to see real change happening, and I want everyone to be treated equal.
Başak Yirmibeşoğlu
Gandhi says "Be the change you wish to see in the world." So, go vote and be the change!
Anna Waite
I am choosing to vote to stand for the people who may not have the right to else where.
Corinne Bobrow-Williams
I vote because I want to make a difference in my communities, and promote change for my generation.
Kimberly Richman
My vote is my voice on issues affecting climate change, human rights, education, and healthcare.
Forrest Oliva Johnson
I vote because I value that right as a woman. I want to set an example for my nieces and nephews that voting is a way to help make a more inclusive future for everyone.
I’m voting because meaningful change occurs through action, not passivity. My vote is necessary and powerful, and so is yours!