Chase Tang: The Earth Saving Super Villain
Photo Credit: Michelle Ellins
The Neflix's adaption of Jupiter’s Legacy, an American superhero comic book series, is set to unveil a new villain, Baryon — played by Chase Tang. Prior to acting, this Taiwanese born performer earned a Bachelor's degree in Business from the University of Guelph in Ontario and went on to be a successful corporate executive, before deciding to pursue his passion for the movie industry. When Chase isn’t playing a super villain, he is dedicating his time to his mental health campaigns and environmentalism, which is evident through his UN environmental campaign. Please read our exclusive interview below to learn more about Chase Tang.
Where are you based?
I’m currently based in Toronto, Canada but I travel between Toronto, Los Angeles & Taiwan throughout the year.
Before transitioning to acting, you received a Bachelor’s degree in Business from the University of Guelph in Ontario and became a successful corporate executive. Can you talk about this experience? What was the definitive moment that encouraged you to pursue acting?
I enjoyed working in the corporate world because I was willing to work hard so I could be rewarded by making more money. However, I don’t think I was ever passionate about life as a corporate executive. I was always so intrigued by the film/television industry, so making this transition was not something I had to think long and hard about. I’ve always loved watching movies growing up and I could easily spend hours in front of a screen finishing one movie after another.
You play the role of the super villain, Baryon, on Netflix’s latest superhero drama, “Jupiter’s Legacy.” Can you tell us a bit about the show and your role?
I’m so excited for this show to come out as every aspect is amazing from the well known cast members to the special effects. There’s already been so much buzz around the anticipation for the release of Jupiter’s Legacy. I play a very interesting and prominent character and I’m confident my role will be another step in the right direction towards diversity in Film and Television in Hollywood and opening more doors for Asian actors and actresses.
Can you talk about your work with the United Nations regarding “The World is in Our Hands” campaign? Why is this important to you?
The World is in Our Hands campaign was founded by two amazing human beings, Todd Krim and Justin Wu. It’s a campaign focusing on bringing awareness and positive change by leveraging well known actors and actresses whom have a following and voice. Before this campaign, I thought I was already being extremely environmentally friendly by recycling and doing all the things we were taught growing up. However, after learning more about this campaign, I realized there was so much more I could be doing like significantly reducing the amount of plastic waste I was contributing to by simply making small changes in my everyday habits and decisions.
You have also been an advocate for education and awareness towards mental health. Can you talk to us about your relationship with mental health issues?
I’ve personally experienced a lot of hardship with mental health, extreme anxiety, panic attacks and depression. I also know of many family members and close friends who also suffered from mental illness. I’ve been fortunate the last few years to have made amazing strides in making mental illness a thing of the past for me and I want to share my experiences with others who are fighting this difficult and exhausting battle.
You have also been an advocate for education and awareness towards mental health. Can you talk to us about your relationship with mental health issues?
I’ve personally experienced a lot of hardship with mental health, extreme anxiety, panic attacks and depression. I also know of many family members and close friends who also suffered from mental illness. I’ve been fortunate the last few years to have made amazing strides in making mental illness a thing of the past for me and I want to share my experiences with others who are fighting this difficult and exhausting battle.
Do you think society’s perception of mental health issues has changed in recent years? What advice would you give to individuals struggling with mental health issues? What advice do you have for those who have difficulty understanding the plight caused by mental health issues?
I think society’s perception of mental has definitely changed in recent years. I recall a time when mental health meant you were kind of crazy or even psychotic, but now I think people realize even normal everyday individuals, and also the individuals the public view as being financially or professionally successful, even suffer from mental illnesses. The best advice I can offer people who are suffering from mental illness is to break your life down into bite size pieces and identify the areas that are making you depressed and unhappy. One at a time, work towards improving those areas daily. I think it’s important people show empathy towards those suffering from mental illness, and understanding the mind and brain is such a tricky and complex organ.
COVID has certainly been very taxing on everyone, but it is especially hard on those already suffering from depression and anxiety. Do you have any advice for those feeling the emotional strain of COVID?
Keep up with your regular routine and all the little things you used to do prior to Covid-19 that made you feel productive and amazing about yourself. During this time with the lockdown and social distancing, do all the things you never had time to do, whether that’s learning a new skill, completing old tasks or reconnecting over the phone with old friends. Take advantage of this down time, use it wisely and enjoy every minute of it.
Photo Credit: Jason Mehrtens
Photo Credit: Rai Allen
As an Asian male, have you experienced any racism during this time?
Growing up in Halifax, Nova Scotia, playing hockey at a high level, and with the majority of my friends being Caucasian, I did experience my fair share with racism. Fortunately it was never something that negativity affected me in a severe way. Perhaps there were times when I was shy or slightly timid being the Asian kid, but, from my recollection, I was never traumatized or anything like that from the racial teasing.
How are you staying positive during shelter in place?
I am spending a lot more time with my fiancé which I normally don’t get to do as much throughout the year. Lots of amazing tasting snacks, cheat meals, and tons of movies and TV shows.
What is your motto in life?
Be better than yesterday. The pen is in your hands. Make your story nothing short of a remarkable one.
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Instagram: chasetangofficial