issue 7 - Buy your copy here!
Jejune's 7th issue features Elliott Sailors, has two beautiful editorials the Big Easy and Lusting For Luxe. It brings brands like Sweat Cosmetics, LANDEROS at NYFW, and the Feminist Embroidery of Sophie King. Our editor-in-chief travels to The Galapagos Islands and brings stories about it. It inspires hope with Emma Neagu, Make A Wish Foundation, Badass Brooklyn Animal Rescue Event, and a personal story by Carre Otis.
Check out our latest editorial shoot on the beautiful streets of New Orleans, and absorb the history.
LANDEROS NY has been carving a name for itself in the fashion scene since 2013. Inspired by Michel's "club kid" days, LANDEROS NY channels the aesthetics of New York's goth, new wave, and punk nightlife. LANDEROS NY is a self-described "genderless" clothing brand, distinguishing itself with bold cuts anyone can wear on a night out. See more from his latest NYFW19 show here!
Two words I never thought I would put into the same sentence are embroidery and feminism, but then I met Sophie King…
Let’s make a cleaner earth together and help save the Galapagos Islands.
We all experience judgement through our years, no matter who we are. Carre Otis reflects on her experiences with others, and how she has grown into a strong confident happy woman, and Jejune loves her all the more for it!
Make A Wish Foundation is a non-profit organization that enriches kid’s life facing a serious illness.
5 Women joined together as former athletes to create a cruelty free, chemical free targeted cosmetic brand. Check out Sweat Cosmetics here in Jejune.
Emma was told by the doctors that they can attempt to salvage her leg, but even if successful, it would result in limited mobility. This would mean she will never be able to dance or do gymnastics again.
Check Out BadAss Animal Rescue, they really are true to their name! A non-profit organization that targets kill shelters with poor conditions. Every dog deserves a chance!
There are only a few people in the world who can be a fashion model. You have to have the right height, weight, and look. There is an incredible amount of pressure put on women and men to change their look, stay young, be current, and to have enough followers. Now try doing that as both sexes. Elliot Sailors is one of very few amazing talents capable of pulling this off.
Ecuador is not know for it’s vegan friendly options, and the Galapagos is no exception. These islands are known for their ridiculously cool animals, evolution, and seafood. However, with a little bit of work and charm, you can find some amazing vegan options and make some friends along the way!