Zarna Garg is Whipping Up Some Laughs
Comedian Zarna Garg, affectionally known as ‘Auntie Z,’ is a TikTok sensation. Encouraged by her son, Zarna downloaded TikTok early in the pandemic and uploaded some of her jokes to the platform. Within the first week, her jokes had garnered 3 million views. Before TikTok fame and stand-up, Zarna had passed the bar and became a lawyer before trying her hand in comedy. She encourages everyone, especially young Indians, to veer off the beaten path and try comedy, if that is where their heart is. Zarna also currently helps out with Comedy Cures and fundraises for Children's Hope India. Both are organizations near and dear to her heart where she can share her comedy to help out those in need. Continue reading our interview with Zarna Garg to learn (and laugh) some more!
Where are you based?
NYC and LA.
I usually start out with the basic question, ‘what got you into comedy?’ but I know you must be tired of that so I will ask this, what keeps you in comedy?
Because I can’t dance! Seriously there’s nothing else I am as good at as comedy, and it seems to make people happy; so, that’s what keeps me going.
You passed the bar and became a lawyer before you started your comedy career. What would you say to students who are hesitant to veer off the path of their major?
How badly do you want to piss off your parents? Veering off the path is hard and not always financially prudent. But if your heart's not in your major anymore, then there’s nothing to do but choose a different path.
Do you have any comedic influences?
I grew up watching Everybody Loves Raymond, Seinfeld, and others, but never imagined that I could do what they were doing. Jewish women in comedy have enabled me on a practical level. Watching them do their thing with sass and being lucky enough to meet many of them in NYC got me started.
Photographer Rashmi Gill.
Do you prefer to write your jokes out ahead of time or improvise it?
I write jokes - then I try them on stage - then I rewrite them. It’s a long process. Often a gem of a joke will tumble out of my mouth on stage, and it’s just perfect! So, the answer is both!
Has living in New York City influenced your comedy?
Of course! No one should live in New York, and if you can’t laugh about all the craziness, you’d go insane!
What are your favorite places to perform in NYC? Where can we go to see you?
The Comedy Cellar is my home club, and you can always catch me there. I also love doing Caroline’s, Gotham, and the West Side Comedy Club.
You have blown up on TikTok. I feel we don’t see too many Indian mom’s on TikTok. What drew you to this platform?
My son insisted! I ignored him for a while, but he took matters into his own hands — set up an account for me and uploaded some of my jokes during the early days of the pandemic. The first joke he uploaded hit three million views within the first week, and I realized that the lost teenagers on TikTok were looking for a mom to yell at them!
Photographer: Mandar Parab
How is stand-up different from what you do on TikTok?
TikTok is quick, short, funny moments from your life, at least that’s what people like from me. Stand up is dependent on a live audience and the art of joke writing. BUT now that the clubs are back, I am able to put up short clips of stand up on TikTok too.
Coming from a background of prioritizing jobs like being a doctor, which you often bring into your comedy, how supportive is your family of you being a comic?
Don’t tell them! They think I am a doctor! I leave the house in scrubs, just kidding. My family is very supportive…so far. Ask me again in a year!
You help out with Comedy Cures, an organization that brings comedy to very sick/terminally sick patients. Can you explain a little more about this organization and how you have helped out?
Comedy Cures is close to my heart because the work they do is so difficult and so needed. I perform in their shows, live and on-line regularly, I help them raise funds so everyone (regardless of ability to purchase tickets) who wants to attend their shows can, and I am also a social media consultant for them.
On top of that you also routinely help fundraise for Children's Hope India. Can you tell us more about this organization as well, and what drew you to them?
Children’s Hope India is a phenomenal organization started by Indian-American women to help children back home. They have raised funds in the U.S. and founded schools and learning programs all over India to serve the underprivileged. I was drawn to them because I’ve known their leadership for decades now. I see the results of their efforts firsthand. It’s impossible for me to not get involved!
Photographer: Mandar Parab
Why has it been important to you to use your gift of comedy to give back?
Because why not!?! Comedy is my joy and if it can help others or help raise money for those in need then let’s keep the good karma flowing!
Do you have any advice for young brown people wanting to get into comedy? Especially Indians?
Try it! You’ll never know if you don’t get on stage. Take a class or go to an open mic. The worst that can happen is that no one laughs. The best that could happen is that someone laughs. The ‘never trying’ is what leads to regret.
How are you staying positive during the current wave of the pandemic? Are you almost back to normal?
Um, I was until Omicron! The pandemic has taught all of us that some things are out of our control, and you have to roll with it. I was lucky in that I learned to perform on Zoom early and I never stopped working.
Recently in NYC they have been saying if you are a comic and didn’t get covid right before the holidays, you are not doing your job. How has it been going back to performing in this new environment?
I am not sure who is saying that. Because I have never done so many stand up spots in my life as right before and during the holidays and I don’t have Covid. At least I think I don’t…hang on, let me do another test.
What is your motto in life?
Don’t happy, be worried! (It’s the opposite of Don’t worry, Be Happy!)
For more laughs with Zarna Garg, follow her at the platforms below:
TikTok: @zarnagarg
Instagram: @zarnagarg