Best Organic Supplements for a Healthier, Happier You
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A healthy diet means a healthy body, and a healthy body means a happy life. We've talked extensively about the benefits of eating well, as you'll find in our 'The Ultimate Guide to Your Best Diet' series. In the most recent installment, we discussed the different types of diets and how you can find the diet that best fits your body and your lifestyle.
Most scientists and dietitians do recommend getting your nutrients from natural sources. A healthy, balanced diet is often the best way to make sure your body is getting the vitamins and minerals it needs. However, access to nutritious foods isn't always available, and proper absorption of these nutrients can also be a hurdle.
That's where supplements can come in. The Harvard Health Letter cautions against overindulging in supplements, recommending that you look at changing your diet first when possible. If that option isn't available, make sure to check with your doctor or nutritionist before exploring the supplements route. But if you've dotted your I's and crossed your T's and found that you do need a little boost in your diet, here are some of the best supplements for even better health.
Vitamin C
The human body can usually make many of the vitamins it needs to function, but vitamin C unfortunately isn't one of them. Vitamin C is one of the most effective nutrients around, and can be safely consumed by almost everyone. It can protect and strengthen the immune system, reduce the chances of cardiovascular disease, promote eye health, and even help us live longer.
Because our bodies can’t produce or store vitamin C, we need to get it from our food. Citrus fruits are a popular source, but even broccoli and brussels sprouts can contribute to the daily maximum amount of 2000 mg for adults. If you can’t source these foods reliably, you can also get it from supplements. Thorne Vitamin C with Flavonoids is a great choice that many doctors recommend. Affordably-priced and tested for potency and purity multiple times, it has added flavonoids to help with absorption and optimize vitamin C’s effects in our bodies.
Another type of supplement you may want to take a look at is probiotics. Healthy bacteria in your gut is necessary in order to enable a variety of functions, not least of which include digestion, immune system regulation, and nutrient absorption. Unfortunately, there are occasions when you have too little good bacteria and too much bad bacteria.
On those occasions, probiotics can be extremely helpful in maintaining a healthy gut. You can get probiotics from fermented food and drinks like kimchi, yogurt, or kombucha. They're also, of course, available in supplement form. Verywell Fit has put together a list of top probiotics, recommending Culturelle Daily Probiotic for that extra health boost. When your gut feels good, you feel good, so don't be afraid to get that probiotic assist when you need it.
Vitamin D
One vitamin that humans absolutely need is vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency can lead to bone density loss, osteoporosis, and sometimes even broken bones. This deficiency is especially dangerous in children, but can adversely affect any age group. Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and teeth, energy, and immunity, which makes it something you'll want to include in your daily diet.
The Radiance vitamin D3 supplement by Brightcore not only promises to boost bone health and your immune system, it can also enhance your mood and improve cardiovascular health. Free of gluten, dairy, and soy, it's made from non-GMO flaxseed oil that promises a natural lift that will keep you healthier and happier well into the future.