Robert Eberle Has Had Enough
Photography by Ethan Felizzari
Robert Eberle, Long Island, New York native and musician, has had Enough. Like many of us, he has been watching the mounting issues with police brutality towards the Black population with anger and frustration. Taking to his craft, Robert teamed up with Versa the Band and Don Da Menace to help get the message out that this is Enough and things need to change. Please read our exclusive interview below with Robert Eberle.
Where are you based?
I’m based on Long Island.
Do you remember your first major exposure to a musician, band, or song that resonated with you? What artists do you still listen to?
I was exposed to music at a very young age. I remember watching my dad’s band and being inspired by them. Right now I’m listening to Billie Eilish and Finneas.
What drew you to being a musician?
I was born into a very musical family. I just stuck with the music and the rest is history.
You recently teamed up with Versa the Band and Don Da Menace for your new powerful song “Enough”. What inspired this collaboration?
Yes. So, I brought the song to my good friend Ethan, who is a part of Versa the Band, and we had the idea of doing a collaboration on this song.
Your song “Enough” speaks about police brutality as it relates to race. What are your thoughts on the current state of America? What changes would you like to see?
The current state of America isn’t the greatest right now. I would love to start seeing changes all across the country. People should continue to protest for what’s right.
The music video for “Enough” perfectly captured the feeling of frustration felt within the country. It also shows the power younger generations wield when motivated. What do you hope people take away from your song?
I just want people to treat other people equally and to treat people with kindness. There’s so much hate in the world and there is really no need for it.
In addition to your song and music video, you are donating 100% of your merch to The Bail Project and Black Lives Matter. Why is this important to you?
This is important to me because it’s another way that we can help.
As a teen under the voting age, what advice can you give to younger individuals that wish to make a positive change?
Continue to fight for what’s right and don’t treat people with hate.
It seems that many of the protests have quieted down. How would you like to see the movement continuing on?
Whether it’s signing petitions or going out to protest, I would love to see the movement continue fighting for what is right.
New York just put out a law not letting venues sell tickets for live music. What are your thoughts on this new law, and how do you think this will affect our already struggling venues?
COVID-19 is still a risk in our society today and these music venues are going to struggle because of that.
Photography by Ethan Felizzari
With that in mind, what is your prediction on the current state of live musical performances? The importance of digital is unmistakable. Where do you think the music industry goes from here? Do you think the music scene in New York City will change?
Yes, it will definitely change. I think that live performances will eventually come back. Whether it be outside or inside… we will have to see.
How are you staying positive during these times?
I’ve been writing music and spending time with family.
What is your motto in life?
Don’t ever give up. Even when things are hard.
To learn more about Robert Eberle, please follow him via the below platforms:
Instagram: @roberteberle1
Twitter: @eberlemusic
Facebook: @roberteberlemusic