Kimberly-Sue Murray Is An Unapologetic Environmentalist

On Netflix’s V-WARS, Kimberly-Sue Murray plays an aggressive Vampire with chaotic origins. Her character, Danika Dubov, exudes power and feminine strength - especially when she gives into her vampiric instincts. Comparatively so, Murray displays her strength and passion through her advocacy and works in support of environmentalism.

V-WARS’s overarching plot tackles heavy real world issues, metaphorically, such as climate change in the form of a vampire apocalypse. Coincidentally, Murray is a huge climate change and wild life preservation advocate. She works with organizations such as CN Tower Climb for Nature and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) every year.

Please look further to learn more about Kimberly-Sue Murray and her work.

Where are you based? 
I am currently based in Toronto, Canada, but my heart is in the Gaspésie, which is where I’m from. 

What got you interested in acting? 
My love for magic is definitely at the root of it. My passion for pretending, playing dress up and entertaining my family got me hooked. I mean, I was acting before I even knew it was something people did for a living. I feel so alive when I get to do it, I go on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, I get to meet and work with a constant flow of amazing people, I travel the world, give voice to characters, share incredible stories, influence change in the world. The list goes on and on. 

Congrats on your starring role in V-WARS. Can you tell us a little bit about this new series, and your character Danika Dubov? 
Thank you! It’s super exciting. The show is doing really well. It’s about a virus that leaks from the melting ice caps, infects people and turns them into vampires. They’re not your regular vampires — we’re talking about a disease that is spreading far and fast. Dr. Luther Swann, played by Ian Somerhalder, is desperately trying to find a cure to save his best friend, his son and the rest of humanity before it’s too late. I play Danika Dubov, who, unbeknownst to herself, has turned her sister Mila into a vampire too. She’s selfish, smart, strategic and an asset to Blood Nation. She and Michael Fayne find a loving partner in each other and their romance evolves throughout the show. If you haven’t watched it yet, you should. It’s a vampire show about social and political issues that will give you chills! 

You described your character Danika Dubov as a “badass, power-driven vampire”. How did it feel to take on this role? Do you feel a connection with your character? 
It was such a treat to get to play Danika. She does NOT care about consequences. She’s smart, ballsy, manipulative and she’s having fun. It’s good to be bad sometimes and I feel like I really got to play with her. 

V Wars uses climate change as to what brings about the vampire apocalypse. While it might not be a vampire crisis, how real do you think V Wars might potentially be? 
Very real. The ice caps are melting at an alarming rate and who knows what’s frozen inside them. I have no difficulty believing there’s an ancient virus about to leak out. The concept of the show isn’t that far-fetched. If something like that were to happen, it would divide our already divided nation, the blame game would begin, the sick would be quarantined and it would create mass panic worldwide. My god that’s depressing. I say, let’s all work at minimizing our carbon footprint to slow down climate change and avoid this vampire apocalypse altogether. Shall we?! 

Climate change and wildlife protection are very important to you. Can you tell us about the CN Tower Climb for Nature and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) that you do every year? How does it work? And why is this important to you? 
This year was my first time and I had a really great experience. The more I learn about wilderness preservation, animal cruelty, climate change, the meat industry, mass consumption, etc., the more I find myself wanting to get involved and seriously alter my lifestyle. Whether it be supporting WWF,  eating a plant-based diet or purchasing a plug-in hybrid, I’m seeking ways to better myself and how I treat the planet I live on every day. 

Are you doing it in 2020? If so, how do you train for it? 
I’m 100% doing it again. And if readers are from Toronto, you all should join. I didn’t quite know how to prepare for the climb, but I had hiked to Machu Picchu a few months earlier so I figured I was in good shape and didn’t need to train, haha! I would recommend using stairs as often as possible to build your calf strength and maybe work on your cardio. 

What steps would you like to see more people take to help the environment? 
It’s easy to say what you would want others to do, but let me tell you what I’m working on and maybe I can influence some positive change. So my partner and I are cutting out animal products entirely, so as of 2020 we will be vegan. We also purchased a plug-in hybrid which is IDEAL for in-city driving. I also want to only shop secondhand to discourage mass production of cheap fashion and furniture. It’s going to be tricky, because I love shopping as much as the next gal, BUT there’s amazing vintage markets, second hand stores and antique shops with great things at a decent price — AND you can feel good about it.

What is your motto in life? 
Be unapologetically yourself.

To learn more about Kimberly-Sue please follow her via the below platforms:
Twitter: @KSueMurray
Instagram: @KSueMurray

Photography by Kristina Ruddick.