Healthy Aging: Using Medicare to Stay Active and Well
Aging is one of those things that all living things face, but nobody really wants to talk about.
Being a middle-aged man myself, I’m acutely aware of how quickly you go from being someone who doesn’t even think twice about jumping straight from the top bunk ready to tackle the day head-on to someone who’s like, “Hmm, let’s see if my knees still work as advertised before I fully commit to standing up.”
Jokes aside, aging doesn’t actually have to be this doom-and-gloom process where we slowly fade into couch-dwelling Netflix-watching hermits. If you play your cards right, it can be quite the opposite, and Medicare can be a huge asset in this inevitable transformation.
Even when those birthday candles start crowding the cake, you can use your magic Medicare card to stay well and keep moving.
Why Staying Active Matters More as We Age
As I said earlier, I’m beginning to hit my middle-age crisis myself, so I’m well aware of how tough it is to avoid the “dad bod” physique once you hit a certain age. But staying active isn’t just about that. As you get older, and especially if you have a sedentary job (e.g., writing), movement turns into a super important part of your life that you need to plan for every day.
You can think of your body kind of like an old car. If you leave it in the driveway for a bit too long, its battery might drain, or it might get rusty. Suddenly, the engine isn’t starting as smoothly as it once did, and before you know it, you have AAA with their tow truck dragging your beauty away.
Movement is your WD-40. It keeps everything from your joints to your muscles to your brain firing on all cylinders. Staying active helps with everything, including your flexibility, balance, and cholesterol levels, but also cognitive ability.
How Medicare Can Help
If you’re thinking, "Medicare? Isn’t that just for when I get sick or need to pick up my meds?” I don’t blame you, but the system can actually do much more.
Medicare has benefits and options that can help you get preventative care, stay active, and just simply keep you feeling good. Let’s go over a few highlights, and these may surprise you:
SilverSneakers Program
Although it might sound like a trendy new brand of orthotic shoes, SilverSneakers is actually a fitness program designed specifically for older adults, and if you’ve got a Medigap plan or Medicare Advantage, you might already have access to it.
Rather than a simple gym membership, this program focuses on keeping you active in a way that makes sense for where you are. So yeah, Medicare has your back whether you’re into swimming, yoga, tai chi, walking groups, or bodybuilding, for that matter.
Seriously, check if your Medicare plan covers this program. It’s such a low-hassle way to get started with fitness.
Preventive Screenings
Medicare’s also there for all the health-related issues that might sneak up on you if you’re not paying attention. I’m talking things like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and so on. You get preventive screenings for all these, plus a free annual wellness visit, where you sit down with your doctor and get a personalized health plan that includes fitness goals.
The idea here is that if you catch any problems early, you're less likely to end up in a situation where your health is compromised.
Medicare Part B
This aspect of Medicare is designed to keep you on track with your health. It covers doctor visits, outpatient care, and all that jazz. So, all those preventive services I mentioned earlier are actually part of Medicare Part B, and so is physical therapy.
If you’re over 65 and need a health buddy to nudge you and say, “Hey, let’s make sure you’re in tip-top shape,” this is it. Don’t let yourself be a victim of treatable back pain, arthritis, and other similar problems when your doctor can refer you to a physical therapist and Medicare Plan B will help cover the costs.
Counseling and Mental Health Screenings
I mentioned earlier that staying active is crucial to keeping your brain healthy as well. Cognitive decline is a real thing as you get older, but if you keep exercising, you increase your chances of staying mentally sharp.
That said, physical activity isn’t solely responsible for keeping up your mental performance. In the same way you exercise your body, you have to keep the brain in check as well.
The good news is that Medicare covers some mental health screenings and counseling services. And the worst thing you can do if you’re feeling a little down, anxious, or just off in any way is to brush it under the rug. There’s no shame in reaching out, and I encourage you to do so, especially since Medicare has got you covered there too.
When to Enroll in Medicare
Very often in life, timing is everything. And you probably won’t be surprised to hear that things are no different when it comes to Medicare. Medicare enrollment period Healthpilot can give you more information about it. All I’ll say here is that you don’t want to miss your chance to enroll, or you might end up having to pay penalties.