Grant Hall On His Grown-ish Debut and Giving Back
Photography by Audrey Slinger.
Up-and-coming actor, Grant Hall, talks about his breakout role as Kyle on the latest seasons of Grown-ish and the one theatre appreciation class that opened his eyes to the world of acting. With several new projects coming out later this year, Grant shares his excitement for what is to come. In addition to his many talents, Grant contributes back to society through his philanthropic work with organizations like Feeding America and the Cancer Research Institute. Keep reading to learn more about his experiences on set, hopes for the future, and advice for anyone pursuing their passion.
Where are you based?
I'm currently based in the beautiful Los Angeles, CA.
You started as a college athlete, so what made you get into acting? Was it something you ever thought about pursuing before?
In my second semester of college, during my freshman year, I had a theater appreciation class, and the teacher told me in front of everyone that she thought I had "the perfect look for TV and film." At the time, hearing this really blew my mind because I had never actually given acting a thought, mainly because acting wasn't an optional career path where I grew up. But, once the teacher finally persuaded me to try acting, I fell deeply in love with the craft.
As an up-and-coming actor, who do you hope to share the screen with someday?
I have a very long list of actors that I truly admire and would be honored to share the screen with, but if I had to narrow it down to two people, it would be Leonardo DiCaprio or Denzel Washington.
Congratulations on Grown-ish! How would you describe your character Kyle? Do you think you and him have anything in common?
Thank you! Kyle is a very intelligent, playboy-like type of character who is slightly cunning and conniving but, at the same time, has a side to him that's very charismatic and charming. That said, his persona is very dualistic, making him even more fun to play. I don't think I share many qualities with Kyle, but I created the character based on a good friend of mine who I felt was very similar to how I wanted to portray Kyle. Funny story: after he watched the first episode that Kyle is a part of in season 5, he sent me a text and said that he loved how I played the character. But, of course, he had no clue that I created Kyle based on my perception of his own persona, which I thought was very funny (laughs).
Without any spoilers, what can we expect from your character Kyle throughout the series?
Yes, I certainly don't want to give anything away from what's to come, but the fans will see a different side to Kyle. In season 5, I feel as though we really only saw the conniving and playboy side within Kyle. But I'm excited for the fans to see a different side to him and better understand why he acts the way he does.
Since you left school to pursue your career, how is it reliving those college years with the Grown-ish cast?
Truthfully, it's been amazing. Due to the progression of my acting career, my college experience was dramatically cut short. So, being a part of this show has almost been kind of cathartic for me and makes me feel like I'm still getting that authentic college experience that I missed out on initially.
Is there anything you can tell us about your new project, Trigger?
I recently wrapped a feature film called "Trigger" that I shot in Detroit, MI, earlier this year. I actually grew up in Toledo, OH, which is about an hour away from Detroit, so I was able to stay at my family's home while shooting this film which definitely made the experience that much better. In this film, I play a character named Daniel Stone. And playing this character has certainly pushed me to new heights as an actor, which I'm grateful for. I'm ecstatic for people to check it out when it's released, hopefully, this summer on Tubi.
Feeding America
We love how active you are with your philanthropic work, especially with Feeding America. Can you tell us about your work with them and why they are so important to you?
Thank you! I've really enjoyed working alongside Feeding America. They're such an amazing organization that provides so many extraordinary services for people in need all around the globe. I've worked with them on numerous occasions now, and I've thoroughly enjoyed being a part of every single one of them. During the events that I've partaken in, we've been able to provide meals for hungry people all throughout LA. These experiences have been invaluable because I feel I'm truly making a difference in the lives of the homeless people in LA.
You recently worked with them during a food drive. Can you tell us a bit about this experience? Do you have any more events coming up with them?
Yes, many notable members within the industry and myself all teamed up and participated in a food drive in which we were actually able to donate thousands of pounds of food to families all over the city. I look forward to working with Feeding America within my hometown soon.
As homelessness is becoming a bigger and bigger issue in this world. What moves would you like to see done to help more people be fed?
I honestly believe the solution lies within people becoming a little bit more empathetic and donating their time, money, and resources in order to help people around the city. I thoroughly believe that if everyone chips in and does their small part, we can really truly make a strong impact and take big strides in defeating this homelessness epidemic within LA.
You also work with Stand Up to Cancer and the Cancer Research Institute. Can you tell us a little bit about these organizations and why these partnerships are important to you?
Working with both of these organizations has been nothing short of tremendously fulfilling. Mainly because my grandma was diagnosed with cancer several times. Being that this happened years ago and I was much younger, I was incredibly terrified and tormented by the thought that my grandma would lose her life due to this illness. Thankfully she recovered and beat cancer both times. But I know the fight never ends. So I feel it's almost my duty to help raise awareness towards this cause due to its impact on my life.
Has giving back always been an important component of your life?
Yes, it absolutely has been. It became so important to me because of the household I was raised in and the values my parents instilled in me. Both of my parents are incredibly giving people. I've literally seen my father pull his car over and take off his shirt to give it to a person in need. And my mother has donated hundreds of computers, books, and clothes to kids all over Africa for years. So, I think it's safe to say that my love for philanthropy definitely originated from my parents. I'm very grateful to them for it.
Where do you see your career heading in the future?
I want my career to make a very strong impact in Hollywood. I see myself being a part of incredible on-screen stories that will touch lives all around the world. I would like to be for this younger generation what someone like Denzel Washington was for mine. A beacon of hope, guidance, and a true role model. At the end of the day, I want my work to outlive me. I want people to watch the films that I was a part of way after I'm gone.
Photography by Audrey Slinger.
What is some advice you would share for anyone unsure if they should follow their passion?
As far as we know, we only get one lifetime on this earth, and our time is ticking, so I believe you might as well spend it doing what you believe God put you here to do. Because from my experience, when people choose not to follow their passions, they end up regretting it for the rest of their lives. And nothing is more tragic than the pain of regret. I live by a quote from Wayne Gretzky: "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take".
It has been a rough past few years; how have you been keeping positive?
I spend the majority of my time doing the things that make me the happiest and around people that uplift me, push me, and truly make me better. I feel like when I'm doing that life is beautiful.
What is your motto in life?
Growing up, my mom always had this saying: "Don't give them a reason to tell you "no." And this philosophy has been with me for the past 25 years of my life. It's a reminder to always strive for excellence in everything that I do.
To stay connected with Grant, check out the links below:
Instagram: @thegranthall
Twitter: @thegranthalll