Our Favorite Progressive Candidates in 2022 - Aarika Nelson, Sheriff of Kent County, Delaware
Today we have another installment in our profiles of our favorite Progressive candidates who are running to represent their communities and move the country forward, to continue to ensure that all Americans are equally represented in government. This candidate is not running for a legislative position, and is running at the county level.
Aarika Nelson (she/her/hers) is a millennial whose progressive views have led her to believe that everyday Americans are suffering under policies enacted by the dual-party system that allows special interests to divide and conquer. A married mother of four, Aarika is the primary income earner in her family, making minimum wage working at Dollar Tree and living paycheck to paycheck, and is enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in order to feed her family. Aarika's life experience as a low-income, working-class woman have made her identify with other marginalized people like her. She is a strong advocate for Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ+ rights, the legalization of marijuana, and ending the failed War on Drugs.
© Tesla Webb
Where are you based?
Dover, Delaware
What position are you running for?
I’m running for sheriff of Kent County, Delaware.
Why did you choose to run for this office?
My candidacy rejects the bipartisan political paradigm and represents the view of Non-Partisan Delaware, because that’s exactly what the sheriff’s office should be—a non-partisan administrative office. A position earned by merit, not by party affiliation. A position for managing the process services and auctions that need to happen without acting as a cash cow for double dipping retired police officers riding on an image of what “sheriff” sounds like, rather than what a Delaware sheriff actually does. A vote for me sends a message to all the D’s and R’s to demand a real change in how these responsibilities are handled by the county government.
How would you briefly summarize your platform?
My top priority would be convincing Kent County, and ultimately the General Assembly, that the sheriff’s office should be converted from what it currently is, a collection of retired law enforcement officers profiting off the taxpayers, into an administrative office based solely on qualifications, experience, and merit. Ideally, I’ll be the last sheriff ever voted into office.
What inspired you to run?
There are a number of failures in the current sheriff’s office that I am certain I could rectify. The current sheriff rested his campaign in 2018 on “fiscal responsibility.” In his four years in office, his budget has gone up by 25% and he’s taking in less revenue. The net proceeds of sheriff’s fees have declined from $919,000 to a paltry $276,000. I know I can do better. I’m a mother of four, living paycheck to paycheck. I know how to balance a budget. Furthermore, the blatantly discriminatory hiring practices in the current sheriff’s office are wildly unethical. The current sheriff refuses to hire anyone that isn’t a current or former law enforcement officer. In truth, no law enforcement experience is required for these positions.
© Aarika Nelson
What change are you hoping to bring to your county?
I’d like to start by replacing the sheriff with an Administrator of Court Services. It will save money and get the job done more effectively. I’d love to hire more social workers and counselors to fill this office to try to provide services to help people avoid evictions by working with their creditors and getting access to available assistance and getting better work. The sheriff should be someone that understands regular, working people, and that’s me, because I’m one too.
What do you feel are the most important issues right now, why, and how do you plan to tackle them?
Eventually, I’d like this same mindset to become the goal of even more branches of government. Replace overpaid government officials with administrative positions gained solely by merit. So many government positions like sheriff should really be competitive appointments based on qualifications and experience, not political featherbeds. Currently, what we have are former cops throwing people on the street, and they’re still losing money.
America is extremely divided these days. How would you hope to bridge that divide with your constituents to better unite Americans?
I’m not aligned with either side of the current divisions. I am just looking to make common sense reforms that help real people instead of political operatives.
How would you foresee your unique identity and background to be an asset to you in office?
I’m no politician. I’m a mom of four, I live paycheck to paycheck, my allegiance would be to the people of the county I represent and making real improvements in a very flawed system that currently caters to retired law enforcement trying to climb the political ladder.
What is your motto in life?
Don’t hurt people, and don’t take their stuff.
Where can we find out more about you?
I’m currently in the process of setting up a more accessible presence on social media, but for now, you can check out NonPartisanDE.org.