GoBeYou. By Casey Gouveia
GoBeYou. By Casey Gouveia
Start Your Wellness Program NOW!
Photography taken by Casey Gouveia
1. Please tell us about your company.
GoBeYou. is my health and beauty coaching program, guiding women to a more beautiful balanced life from the inside out. Through private and group coaching, workshops, products and retreats, I educate women on how to take better care of themselves in order to create a joyful life at any age. And of course, my expertise as a makeup artist is an added benefit to that outer beauty element (wink wink).
2. Please tell us about yourself.
My name is Casey Gouveia and I have been a makeup artist for thirty years. I have experienced years of hearing and seeing the stress on models and actresses lives for decades. Since my love for beauty and my passion for wellness has been my main focus since I was a teen, I wanted to help more women by sharing that knowledge on a deeper level. So GoBeYou. came to be! Helping women to love themselves more instead of burning themselves out became my mission. I attended the Institute of Integrative Nutrition to obtain my health coaching certification. (Ironically, IIN’s founder, Joshua Rosenthal and I have very similar backgrounds in our health journey). After graduating, I jumped right in and co- hosted my first retreat a few weeks later. As my kids and husband said, “You’ve been educating people your whole life. This is nothing new, you are just making it official now!”
Casey Gouveia, Owner of GoBeYou. Photography taken by Jean Courtney
3. Why did you decide to start GoBeYou.?
I started GoBeYou. because I want women to stay alive and to feel comfortable in their own skin and to love themselves at every age. I have always had a love for beauty, but more importantly a passion for wellness. As a professional makeup artist, wife and mother witnessing and experiencing the stress of juggling it all, the superwoman syndrome, along with the desire to be "wrinkle free." I had a burning desire to help women free themselves from their own inner critic, embrace their age, reset and learn to love themselves again, especially as they grow older.
I myself, experienced severe adrenal burnout and my health really suffered from pushing too hard and being way too sacrificial for everyone else. Through my own marriage crisis and losing my sister to cancer, I had a big wake up call. The choice was evident, I keep going and eventually burn out for good or to commit to taking care of myself. And, so I chose to take care of myself. What does that entail? Self-love through self-care, which comes in many shapes and forms and all natural products that support that care. I do not mean vanity or self-obsession, I mean taking the best care of yourself so that you can live out your life purpose while feeling beautiful, vibrant and healthy at any age!
Photography taken by Casey Gouveia
4. Where are you based?
I am based in Seattle, Washington but thanks to the Internet, I coach people from all over the world.
Photography taken by Casey Gouveia
5. Tell us about your health care packages?
I created my health packages from intense research and my own life experiences. I asked myself, “What did I really need when I was stressed and burnt out? When my heart was broken? When my body ached so badly I could barely get up? When my skin looked like a hag? When my worth was determined by my relationships? When I needed boundaries?" And, I went from there to creating the right pieces for my GoBeYou. puzzle. It took me so much research to find answers to my own health because holistic health entails all areas of your life. I want my packages and products to help all women feel blue skies ahead and I want everyone to truly glow again from the inside out.
Photography taken by Casey Gouveia
6. Tell us about your products.
GoBeYou. products address emotional, physical and environmental stress and it’s negative effects on your skin, body and life in general. This is where we differ from other products. GoBeYou.products are a comprehensive holistic approach to overall wellness. Of course our products are natural, with no ingredients that contain toxic hormone disruptors or cancer causing agents. We truly are focused on creating beauty from the inside out instead of from the outside in for all ages. (I really mean that!!) We want people to learn how to feel good and in turn look good! GoBeYou.skin serum is like a perfect meal, which is food for your face and it is serum for your soul. It was formulated as a nutritional serum to nurture your emotions and your skin. We believe they go hand in hand. When your body is experiencing stress, it affects your parasympathetic system, which in turn affects your digestion and how nutrients get dispersed throughout your body and to your skin. Our formula encompasses the belief that you cannot address skin without addressing the emotions. With our active botanicals and essential oils, both your skin and emotions will be open to nourishment, protection, healing and regeneration. Our GoBeYou.beauty cleanse is all about cleansing your cells and organs while rejuvenating your skin learning to start your day off on the right foot is our purpose behind our self-care kit.
Photography taken by Casey Gouveia
Photography taken by Boe Marion
7. Please tell what is in your the GoBeYou. Cleanse Box?
GoBeYou.Beauty Cleanse Box is a 14 day detox. It comes with 28 Go.Clean powder packets and 28 Go.Move and Go.Radiate supplement packs to support the cleansing process. Detoxification requires our bodies to rid the organs and cells of toxins and pollutants. Our liver and lymph especially hold on to toxins and negative emotions. Have you ever been on the pill, any meds or antibiotics, or around environmental pollutants? Of course, we all have!!! These toxins can get stuck in our cells and need to get out and so do the emotions like anger, sadness & resentment. They can wreak havoc on our hormones, health and skin! My beauty cleanse is not a fast or a juice cleanse.
How it works is you drink two shakes a day, eat one regular meal and healthy snacks in between. Of course, you are asked to give up most culprits that hinder detoxification, but you get to drink yummy shakes that are full of nutrients helping to detox and replenish your cells. The protein source in the shakes is 18 grams of grass feed bovine collagen protein so great for your muscles, tendons and joints as well as your skin. (Did you know we lose around 30% of collagen alone in our face when we go thru menopause? YIKES!! ) The cleanse comes with a really great guidebook explaining all the do’s and don’ts and answers to the most common questions. It has sample menus, snack ideas and detox lifestyle suggestions. Also, a recipe card inside the box for my favorite way to make my shakes along with a password to the GoBeYou.TRIBE for cleansing support.
Coaching support comes with access to the GoBeYou.TRIBE. In the TRIBE I share my cleansing tips and inspiration. There are several blogs on how and why I cleanse, what I do to get through it, and some inspirational talk. The TRIBE explains in detail what you might experience on a day to day basis. Along with the GoBeYou.TRIBE, my coaching includes being available for emails and texts with questions or concerns that arise while on the cleanse. I am here for you.
Photography taken by Casey Gouveia
8. Are you a certified nutritionist?
I am a certified Holistic Health Coach through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I have been a lifelong student of nutrition and wellness since I was 9 when my niece was diagnosed with Leukemia.
9. Do you offer coaching sessions?
I coach private clients on a 3-6 month basis every two weeks via Skype or in person. I begin with an overall health history consultation in which I help my client set goals, as needed. I treat each person I work with individually. For me, it feels like a private investigation, diligently overturning every piece of their puzzle to help them gain a vibrant health and a balanced life! I end my sessions with a focus on their external beauty through skincare, makeup, and wardrobe consultations.
10. Please tell us about your wellness retreats.
My wellness retreats are amazing. They are 3 days of reset, tons of positive energy, farm to table eating, taking a look at what’s a little wonky and recommitting to what you really want for your body and your life. I must admit, for most people and t’s about re-creating balance. Of course, we play with my skincare products and I teach about glowing from the inside out. Facial, massage and Guasha tutorials are a big hit. I lead four holistic health sessions mixed in with a yoga and barre instructor for our fitness portion. Retreats are a great way to meet new women, get inspired and share in each other’s wellness journeys.
My next retreat will be October 19th-21st at a small winery in the Williamette Valley of Oregon. Details are on my website: http://gobeyoutoday.com/2018-events/
Photography taken by Tereza Janakova
11. What has GoBeYou. done for you?
Since I created GoBeYou. I have a new sense of purpose in my life. I feel amazing. Can’t even begin to express how much I want to help women! My heart is big and full and I accept the responsibility I know my passion is coming from the right place but let’s be honest it is an immense amount of work running a business. I too have to walk my talk and practice the tools I teach women in order to stay centered and balanced myself. I have been spoiled all these years just showing up for bookings with kit in hand. My kit is huge now but it feels so good giving back and paying forward the pieces that got me well and taught me that beauty and joy come from living in balance. Every day I receive a new sign, a new client telling me how much their life has changed. I’ll keep going until I’m 100!!
Photography taken by Casey Gouveia
12. Where can you get GoBeYou.?
GoBeYou. products and services are sold on-line on my site www.GoBeYouTODAY.com and online @botanicabazaar as well as in their gorgeous brick and mortar in New York, and soon to open in Los Angeles!
13. Please tell us about a success story with your company.
One particular client found me on Instagram and flew clear across the country to one of my retreats. She then signed up for 6 months of private coaching every 2 weeks via Skype, did my 30 day Self-Care Challenges along with my beauty cleanse and skin serum..and here we are two years later So much in her life has changed, she is GLOWING, HEALTHY and HAPPY and in a great relationship! Her most recent email said, ”I can finally say I love myself, I am beautiful inside and out and I look forward to a fulfilled healthy life as days go by.”
Another client originally had a weight problem, high cholesterol and other health issues. She has little by little been making changes through my coaching, cleanses, self-care challenges and serum. After having attended my last retreat...well let’s just say everything is clicking! She has lost 18 pounds, RESET her career path, feels amazing and tucked a shirt in for the first time in years....YAHOOOOO!!!
Casey offers free consultations, see below for website details.
14. Website & Instagram information:
Website: http://gobeyoutoday.com
Instagram: @go.be.you
15. What is your message for women out there?
I want women’s best years to be NOW!!! Not the past, not some quick fix or wrinkle eraser. GoBeYou. means THE AMAZING YOU, THE HEALTHIEST YOU, THE BEAUTIFUL YOU... TODAY!!!!! I don’t care if you are 20 or 60. You should be feeling good about you right now, wherever you are at any age.
GoBeYou!!!!! XOCasey
Produced by Alison Hernon, Fashion Director, Jejune Magazine