Biohack Your Beauty
Interview by Alison Hernon,
Fashion Director, Jejune Magazine
Photo taken by Andrew Ho
1. Website:
2. Name: Dora Vandekamp
3. Company Name: Biohack Your Beauty
4. Location of Business: The Bay Area, California
5. When did you start Biohack Your Beauty?
I started my nutrition private practice in 2011. Biohack Your Beauty launched in 2018.
6. What is your mission statement?
Biohack Your Beauty was born out of the need for a new paradigm of beauty and wellness in our world. Biohack Your Beauty Mission Statement: “To help people develop and cultivate a life of true wellbeing."
7. Please tell us about your Holistic & Nutrition background?
I attended the Institute of Integrative Nutrition for Holistic Coaching and Nutrition. I am a self-taught Yoga Teacher and an accredited Pilates Instructor. I also received my Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, which has given me a greater understanding of international health practices and traditions.
8. Please tell us about your Podcast that is out now?
The Biohack Your Beauty Podcast shares revolutionary strategies for healing, anti-aging, and happiness. As someone who has been spent the last ten years researching natural and alternative therapies and anti-aging, it has become clear to me that many people are misinformed about wellness and beauty. I knew I had to share my extensive knowledge, and continue to find new and groundbreaking methods of healing the body, mind, and soul.
9. What is the response you have received with the Podcast?
Amazing! I have received many messages from people who are grateful for the powerful and valuable information that my guests share on the podcast. The feedback has been really positive, which is just incredible.
Benefits: Smooth Skin Support, Cellular Proliferation, Metabolism Support
6 Large Carrots
½ Beets
1 Large Orange Peeled
½ cup Sunflower Sprouts
1 tbsp. Camu Camu
Run Sunflower Sprouts, Beets, Orange, and Carrots through an electric juicer. Stir in Camu Camu. Serve cold. Refrigerate to keep fresh.
10. What do you feel is an important message of your work?
One of the things I really drive home is that intuition is key when it comes to nutrition and eating. So many of us are emotionally disconnected from our bodies and our microbiomes, and this leads us to crave sugary and other unhealthy foods. If we can spend more time in a state of rest and digest, tuning into the body from the inside out through healing methods such as meditation, stretching, grounding, and Emotional Freedom Technique, we can learn how to eat more mindfully, and foster a deeper understanding of our own nutritional needs.
11. Tell us about a client that you help resolve a condition.
I recently had a client who suffered from cystic acne on her face and back. It affected her confidence and emotional wellbeing, and she hid her skin under heavy makeup. She came to me after having tried many skin care plans, creams, and intense medical treatments. I worked with her to create a personalized cleansing protocol and subsequently, a nutrition and supplement plan. I also helped her choose the right skincare products and truly pure, natural makeup that nourishes her skin. We met on a regular basis as I provided support and guidance, and her skin cleared up completely within weeks. She doesn’t even feel the need to wear makeup all the time anymore!
12. What do you think of prescription medicine?
It’s always important to do extensive research when it comes to prescription medication. Be aware of the long term health risks that are involved. I speak from personal experience, as I was prescribed Accutane at a very young age, and consequently suffered from the lasting side effects that it caused. There are high financial incentives for pharmaceutical companies and for medical doctors to prescribe medication, which makes it imperative for everyone to use discernment. I believe the illnesses and conditions we suffer from in our society are best addressed through natural or functional medicine. And most often there are underlying causes and imbalances in the body that must be considered and uncovered, which many medical doctors are not equipped to see to.
13. Tell us what a holistic approach of medicine is?
A holistic approach considers that each individual is unique, with her own unique physical composition, microbiome, personal experiences and traumas, personality, and ancestral history. We are all different in so many beautiful ways. Our physical wellness is a direct reflection of our mental and emotional health, and it is in a constant state of fluidity and expansion. A true holistic approach means consistent support and guidance from your practitioner. It is a mutual relationship built on trust and accountability.
14. What are some tips that you like to practice?
Meditation and prayer help me feel eternally youthful. Being in nature, dancing, and practicing self-care are also very powerful.
Benefits: Kidney Cleanser, Muscle Builder, Skin Beautifying
1 handful Cilantro
1 handful Parsley
1 Cucumber
1 tbsp. Bee Pollen
5 Celery Stalks
½ Green Apple
1 tsp Spirulina
Run Cilantro, Parsley, Cucumber, Celery, and Apple through an electric juicer. Stir in Spirulina. Serve cold. Refrigerate to keep fresh.
15. How does it work in the beginning for your services, do you offer a consultation?
I always find it important to meet with a potential healer or health practitioner before you decide to move forward. I like to do a consultation with potential clients to get a feeling for what their unique needs and goals are, and to sense whether we are a good fit for each other.
16. How do you make sure the client is using the right products for them?
I do a great deal of research on companies when I choose products for cleansing and detoxing protocols. Integrity and quality are both very important aspects of choosing what products I use personally and recommend for my clients
17. Your Podcast and services provide energy, how does this happen?
My energy comes from intermittent fasting, meditation, and from doing what I love. I think when one lives with purpose, the energy just comes!
18. Why do you feel that cleansing is important?
Doing a cleanse on a regular basis is one of the most essential principles of longevity and wellness. Because of pervasive air and water pollution, it is imperative to rid the body of toxins so that the immune system can work optimally and the microbiome can remain in balance.
19. Are your ingredients organic?
Yes, all of my ingredients are organic. Pesticides and herbicides are detrimental to the microbiome and the digestive system. The long term effects of ingesting these toxic chemicals are very damaging.
Benefits: Aids in Regulating Metabolism, Extends Mental and Physical Endurance, Powerful Beautifying Properties
8 oz. Almond Milk
1 tbsp. Bee Pollen
1 tbsp. Hemp Seeds
1 tsp Maca
1 cup frozen Black Cherries
1 tbsp. Cacao Powder
1 tsp Vanilla bean powder
1 tbsp. Cacao Nibs
5 Medjool Dates
6 Ice Cubes
Place all ingredients into blender.
Blend on high for 45 seconds. Serve cold.
20. Tell us somethings that you like to follow and incorporate in your routine?
I always try to get between seven and nine hours of quality sleep a night. And I meditate and exercise regularly. Sleep and movement are vital to my wellbeing.
21. The images on your Instagram page of your drinks and products look amazing!
Thank you! I always take great care when choosing where to purchase herbs and supplements. I like to know that they are sustainably and ethically sourced and packaged, and that they are of the purest and highest quality.
22. Do you incorporate astrology into your business?
I do! I pay a lot of attention to the moon. The moon’s phases have a lot of influence on the body’s chemistry and water levels. So I incorporate that into my practice.
23. Social Media info: Instagram: @doravandekamp, Twitter: @doravandekamp
24. Do you support any charities?
I am very passionate about preserving the environment and supporting humanitarian causes. Some of my favorite organizations to work with include the Surfrider Foundation, Save The Bay, Give A Heart to Africa, and Speak 4 Silent Voices.
25. What is your Motto in life?
Motto: “But first, love”