Posts tagged woman rights
Our Favorite Progressive Candidates in 2024 - Emily Kinkead, Pennsylvania House of Representatives, District 20

This week we are highlighting Emily Kinkead (she/her), a millennial lawyer who is a founding member the Leadership Team of the Pennsylvania Progressive Caucus. Collectively, this Caucus works to push progressive priorities like criminal justice reform, affordable housing, access to healthcare, affordable childcare, expanding access to public transit, and more. She is the House Chair of the Legislative Hunger Caucus and Secretary of the House Agriculture Committee, working to address hunger-related issues as well as advocate for more investment in programs that would address food insecurity. She serves on the Advisory Board for the Capitol All-Stars Softball Game, which is a softball game where legislators raise money for their charitable food network. As a member of the House Judiciary Committee and Chair of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime & Corrections, she has been working hard to address criminal justice reform. 

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Cover - Natasha Kalimada - Dancing Into The Stars

A rising star in Hollywood, Natasha Kalimada is an actress, professional dancer, model, and influencer with a bright future ahead of her. Her new film roles in A-list productions such as “Babylon” and “Don’t Worry Darling” will shine a spotlight on Natasha’s talents while also showcasing her commitment to causes beyond her thriving career. Natasha has not only strutted down the catwalk and dazzled in front of studio cameras but she’s also dedicated her time to inspiring and mentoring young girls, as evident in her involvement with the non-profit organization Inspiring Girls USA. Please continue reading to explore how Natasha’s dedication to her craft and philanthropy have led to her success, and how her journey can be an example for other aspiring entertainers and socially conscious citizens today.

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Samantha Blaire Cutler - A Woman On The Rise!

Samantha Blaire Cutler is an up and coming star! Samantha has been performing for years — beginning at the age of seven! Since then, she’s starred in theater and television productions such as “Dear Evan Hansen” and “Power.” Since the overturn of Roe v. Wade, Samantha has been extremely vocal about abortion rights and women’s rights. Samantha is also involved with The Kentucky Health Justice Network — an organization that provides support and financial assistance to those seeking abortions. To learn more about Samantha, her roles, and her involvement with the KHJN, continue reading our exclusive interview below!

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