Queer Youth Animated is a new project from the Future Perfect Project. The team consists of Celeste Lecesne, Ryan Amador, Jon Wan, Julie Novak, and Emma Jane, based out of New York City, Kingston and Los Angeles. The project was initiated with the aim of encouraging youth belonging to the LGBTQIA+ community to share their stories in hopes of inspiring other members. The show features 2 seasons that start with heart warming stories in the United States and then expand to stories around the world. Bringing to light people’s stories from various walks of life, the show has inspired many to share their own journeys. Let Jejune Magazine take you through this interesting interview with the team at Future Perfect Project, and go check out what some of these inspiring kids have to say!
Read MoreChrissie Fit is a star on the horizon of change. Chrissie is known for her work in the Pitch Perfect franchise as “Flo” and she has returned to the big screen in All My Life with Harry Shum Jr. and Jessica Rothe which premiered in theatres on December 4th, When we asked if she was involved in any humanitarian work, Chrissie responded: “I feel like I have my hands in everything!”. After speaking with the Cuban actress, it was easy to see that Chrissie brings a critical and inspirational lens to her work behind the camera and in her everyday life to promote a better and more diverse future. In our interview with Chrissie, she dives deep into what it means to have representation for Latinx communities in Hollywood and beyond. Chrissie talks about the intersectional nature of representation in film and television as well as representation at the polls for Latinx voters in the 2020 election. For more on Chrissie Fit, please read our interview below.
Read More“Holy Shit Snacks!” is the catchphrase of Archer’s Pam Poovey, a blonde bisexual bombshell who is making waves in pop-culture. When we got the chance to sit down with Amber Nash, the voice-over artist responsible for bringing the beloved character to life, we couldn’t help but think “Holy Shit Snacks” ourselves. In our interview with Amber, she tells us about her experience playing Pam throughout Archer’s 11 seasons and her new venture of acting on screen. We also got to speak to her about her role as a board member with Project Chimps, an organization that gives retired lab chimps a forever home on a secluded sanctuary. Bringing her passion to her work and philanthropic efforts, Amber Nash is a voice of wit and passion. Read our exclusive interview with Amber below.
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