10 Ways to Spend Quality Time in Nature This Summer

Summer is the perfect time to soak up some fresh air. Being outside can boost your mood and encourage physical activity, which can be more of a challenge during colder months. 

If you spend all day working in an office, commuting home and doing chores, it might seem hard to find time and energy to go outside. However, getting vitamin D and connecting with nature can help ease the stress of daily life. Working outdoor time into your schedule will be well worth it. 

Whether you’re looking for weekend adventures or small activities you can fit into a busy day, there are plenty of ways to spend quality time in nature this summer. 

1. Go Hiking

Hiking is a great summer activity that you can adapt to your lifestyle and abilities. You don’t need to be a professional to take on a beginner trail. Even just a walking trail in a local park is the perfect place to spend a Saturday afternoon. 

Be sure to hike responsibly by sticking to designated trails and taking any trash home with you. If you truly want to spend quality time in nature, you’ll want to make as little of an impact as possible. 

2. Craft Outdoors

During summer, you may have more free time to enjoy some of your passions. So, take your crafts outside. Set up an easel and paint in your backyard or local park. Whatever your art may be, this is a great way to spend time outdoors without totally changing up your habits. 

Being outside in nature can also inspire you to be more creative. You might try to upcycle waste in your home to create plastic bottle-hanging planters or bird feeders. 

3. Eat Meals on Your Patio

If you have outdoor space at home, eating outside is a great way to get some fresh air throughout the day. If you find it difficult to motivate yourself to go outside, using mealtime as an opportunity is a simple solution. It won’t take a lot of extra effort to carry your plate from the kitchen to the porch.   

To stay cool and protected from the sun, invest in an umbrella or awning to sit under, especially when you’re outside between 10 a.m and 2 p.m. when UV rays are strongest. 

4. Take Phone Calls Outside

When taking a phone call or sending a text, step outside for a few minutes. This is a simple way to enjoy nature and still be productive. You can do this easily whether you work in an office or at home. Even just a few minutes of sunshine can help motivate you once you get back to your desk. 

You can sit on a patio chair or even pace around to get your steps in for the day. In addition, the relaxing environment can put you in a positive mindset for any call.

5. Bring Game Night Outdoors

Family game nights are fun summer activities. Why not bring the party outside? It's a great way to get fresh air and change your scenery. 

This can be an eco-friendly activity, as well. Take an hour outside to play games, and turn off all the lights in your home. Traditional board games or lawn games won’t use electricity like video games would, and they’ll give your eyes a break if you’ve been looking at screens all day. 

6. Appreciate Nature 

Sitting in nature listening to birds chirp or leaves rustle can be a perfect way to ground yourself. Use this opportunity to appreciate the world around you.

You can try to practice mindfulness or meditation by focusing on the sights and sounds around you. If you’re more artistic, bring a notepad or sketchbook with you. Nature can inspire poetry, journaling or sketching. Any of these activities can help you relax and relieve stress after a long day. 

7. Enjoy Your Music Outside

Jam to your favorite tunes under the sun. This is an easy way to enjoy music and still get outside. Plus, nature can add to the mood-boosting effect of the music.

If you don't want to disturb the neighbors, simply take out some headphones. You can listen to music solo or involve your friends. This then turns into a party which might even include some dancing!

8. Work Out in Your Yard

Whether you prefer yoga or cardio, workouts are easy activities you can move outside. Unplug your exercise equipment and do your stretches or squats in your backyard. You’ll break out the same sweat while getting your dose of vitamin D. 

9. Bring Your Work Outside

With about 45% of people working from home, relocating your workspace outside is now possible for many people. Suppose you need a break from staring at your walls? Just head outside. It’s the perfect way to get things done and enjoy the pleasant temperatures.

If you do work in an office and don’t have this option, try taking your lunch break outside. The change of scenery and fresh air will be a welcome relief in the middle of the day. 

10. Start a Garden

Gardening might sound like a time-intensive task, but it doesn’t have to be. Even on a small apartment balcony, you can set up a pot with soil and plant seeds. If you don’t have outdoor space at all, herbs and smaller plants can be grown inside with the proper attention. 

Rather than buying seeds, try to use what you already have. Before throwing away bell pepper scraps, remove the seeds and plant them in the soil. Other vegetables, like onions and lettuce, can be regrown in water. Watching plants grow right before your eyes will give you a new appreciation for nature – and you’ll be able to reduce your food waste and save money at the grocery store. 

How to Get Outside This Summer

Spending time in nature has positive effects on your health. It improves mood and promotes physical activity. There are so many ways to get outside and still feel productive, so try some of them out next time you feel restless.