Our Favorite Progressive Candidates in 2024 - Lexi Melton, Tennessee House of Representatives, District 35
In 2024, we have a large number of young people running for office to challenge the status quo upheld by older, long-entrenched representatives at all levels of government. Today we are highlighting one such person. Lexi Melton (she/her/hers), is a millennial wife and mom of two. In the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, Lexi decided to go back to school to finish her degree and graduated with an A.A.S. degree in Nuclear Medicine Technology from Chattanooga State Community College! Lexi fiercely advocates for strong public schools and women’s rights, and believes in gun safety and equitable healthcare, especially in rural areas.
© Lexi Melton for TN
Where are you based?
I am based in Hartsville, TN.
What is your position/what position are you running for?
I am currently running for the Tennessee House of Representatives in District 35. My district is all of Trousdale County and a portion of Sumner County in Tennessee.
How would you briefly summarize your platform?
I am passionate about policies that prioritize equity across our education system, everyone’s right to have access to quality healthcare, transparency in government, gun safety, and ensuring that every voice is heard and valued during the political process.
What inspired you to run?
Honestly, I got upset about the school voucher scam that was proposed. The reality is that bill, as written, would not benefit the majority of students, or taxpayers. So, I made some phone calls to see what I could do. I found out that my representative fully supports vouchers, and was running unopposed for reelection. I couldn’t let that happen knowing that he supported policies that would negatively affect my community.
© leximeltonfortn (Instagram)
What change are you hoping to bring to your district and country?
I hope to bring a better representation of the voices in District 35. I think it is clear that the current administration is not doing that. It is the responsibility of elected officials to represent the majority of the district, even if doing so is contradictory to your personal views and beliefs.
What do you feel are the most important issues right now, why, and how do you plan to tackle them?
The most important issues in TN right now, are quality education and equitable access to health care. I feel those are the biggest issues because those two are the most talked about topics I hear from my constituents. Those two issues are impacting a large majority of Tennesseeans’ everyday lives, and I believe that we deserve better. I plan to address them by working with the new administration to make necessary changes that will make a tangible impact on the residents of Tennessee’s daily lives.
America is extremely divided these days. How would you hope to bridge that divide with your constituents to better unite Americans?
I hope to bring a chair to the middle and draw people in not because of what party I represent, but who I am as a person. I will encourage people to look at the person, not the party. Politics has become what feels more like supporting a sports team that people will side with out of loyalty rather than actions or platforms. And don’t even get me started on misinformation. I want people to support me, not because I’m a Democrat, but because I am the right person for the job. I will also encourage people not to discount me because I’m a Democrat. We need to bring back respectful candor to the TN State House and I plan to lead by example and encourage others to do the same.
© Alexis (Lexi) Melton (LinkedIn)
How do you see your unique identity and background to be an asset to you in office?
I genuinely believe that no matter the issue/topic a compromise can be reached that benefits everyone. I believe I have a unique perspective because I am a mom, a wife, a woman, and I also work in a highly skilled field. I am a problem solver who is not easily intimidated with a strong ability to understand different perspectives and look at situations as a whole rather than through a particular lens. I think those aspects of who I am make me a great fit for this role.
What is your motto in life?
I tell my kids all the time “You can do hard things.” I also live by the notion that “Change starts with you.”
Where can we find out more about you?
You can visit my website www.leximeltonfortn.com. I encourage everyone to follow me on social media where I will be documenting my journey running this race and engaging with people. Please reach out because I want to hear from everyone! You can also read more about me and donate to the campaign on my Act Blue account, just search for Lexi Melton.
My social media are :
Facebook: LeximeltonforTN35
Instagram/Threads: Leximeltonfortn
TikTok: Leximeltonfortn
X: LexiforTN