The Natural Way to Have Smooth Lips - eLo Lip Care

Hello, my name is Kira, and I am an addict… a lip gloss addict. I am one of those people who has a lip gloss in my pocket, then another one in my bag, and a few around the house, you know, just in case. My addiction is so bad that it governs my fashion. I desperately try to only purchase clothing with pockets, just so I can have a spot to keep my gloss close.

On top of that, I’m also one of those healthy vegan types, who refuses to wear makeup. This is a problem, because a lot of the easy to find glosses on the market have who knows what in them/are not vegan, and more importantly, actually seem to dry my lips out more, perpetuating my addiction.

Fortunately, like any good artist who lives in Brooklyn, I found myself at the Williamsburg Artists & Fleas. Despite going there to try to find stuff for my upcoming wedding, I was instantly drawn over to the booth full of colorful lip gloss. A girl has to have her priorities, am I right?

This is where I learned of eLo, which is an organic, vegan, wax-free, fragrance-free, New York made, all natural, “six ingredients or less” lip gloss. What really impressed me was, they told me, that they don’t work off the same approvals as other makeup brands, but rather they made sure they were FDA certified. Why? Because we eat our lip gloss! We are constantly licking it off our lips and consuming it, ergo, it really makes sense that it should be held to the same standards as food, and, in fact, should be made from food!

Excited, and with the help from their representative, I chose three different glosses to try: Jane, Sangria, and Night. First, they took sometime to get use to. They are much more oily than other glosses I have used in the past. Do note, most of the glosses I have worn are clear and wax based. The greasiness isn’t a bad feeling, it just takes an adjustment. In fact, because it is oil based rather than wax, I feel my lips do not dry out as fast, meaning I do not have to apply it as much. This also means that the oils melt on your lips more than the wax does; therefore, you don’t have to apply as much each time. This is important, because this gloss is not cheap. At $13 a gloss, it is over three times what I normally spend, but pretty standard for high end gloss.

I wanted to get the full experience, so I tried an eclectic array of the glosses. The Sangria is the watermelon and coconut blend, which actually has watermelon in it and smells and tastes appropriately! Sangria is one of their darker shades, and leaves a slight tint to the lip when wearing it. Jane is a light fruity gloss, with a soft pink hue. It intrigued me because of its reported calming effects, due to the infused CBD oil, otherwise known as Cannabidiol oil. I have never been interested in marijuana, but I have heard good things about cannabis, and as a standard stressed out New Yorker, it never hurts to slightly calm the nerves. In all reality, I don’t notice any difference between how I feel when I wear Jane vs. any of the others, but it is fun to think about. Finally, my favorite of all the eLo glosses I tried is Night. It is a clear gloss flavored with peppermint and vanilla bean, two of my favorites, and it makes my lips tingle!

Moving forward, I will probably try eLo’s Clear Blends package next, as a person who prefers clear glosses with soft flavors, but I will keep the others for special occasions. For example, I think Sangria will look smashing on my wedding day! Although, maybe I should wear Jane to calm my nerves..

To learn more about eLo check them out here:
Instagram: eLoLipCare
Facebook: eLoLipCare 
Twitter: eLoLipCare

And try them out, they are the healthiest and most real lip glosses this addict has come in contact with yet. I certainly plan to be ordering more!

Article written by Kira Bucca, Editor in Chief of Jejune Magazine